Dear all families,
The children in Reception are extremely brave. This week they have been holding tarantulas, giant snails, snakes and millipedes. We were very lucky to have a visit from Zoolab which was made possible as a result of financial donations by the families in reception. I am sure that this visit will form a lasting memory for all the children.
On Monday, Antony Cook (chair of governors) and Nicola Rossington (parent governor), introduced themselves to the children in Key Stage Two during assembly. They asked the children about how they keep themselves safe at school and for one thing they would like change if they had the chance. We had some very interesting answers to the second question.
We have extended our celebration assembly on Fridays to include messages from our kindness ambassadors, who are nominated children from each class. Their job is to support children at break and lunchtime. They are noticing children who are doing kind things and sharing these in assembly, so we can share different ways of being kind.
We hope to see many of you at the PTA Coronation party next Friday at 3.15pm.
I hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend.
Frances Bracegirdle
Headteacher -