Reception News

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Week beginning 24th April 2023
In Reception the children have been learning to care for animals and plants. They have enjoyed looking at how fast our caterpillars are growing and observing the roots, stems and baby leaves starting to appear on our bean plants. They have been making their own fact sheets about minibeasts and carrying out minibeast hunts in the learning garden.
In maths, this week we have completed learning to recognise and compose numbers to 20 and the children have enjoyed playing a snakes and ladder game - learning to take turns, to subitise the number on the dice, count out the correct number of jumps and saying the number names as they progress through the game.
On Wednesday, we had a very exciting day with a visit from ZooLab! We were able to hold or stroke a Giant African Land snail, millipede, snake and a gerbil. We even got to meet a tarantula! Towards the end of the week, for D&T, we made minibeasts out of fruits and vegetables and then ate them! We had to select our fruit or veg, use our chopping skills and then arrange them to make our minibeast snack.
Key Messages
Thank you! We really appreciate the £1 donations we received to put towards our D&T task this week. The children loved cutting up the fruit and vegetables to make their minibeast snacks!
Planting Morning You will receive an email this week about a Reception Planting Morning on Saturday 13th May. We hope you are able to join us!