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Absence & Attendance

Evidence demonstrates that there is a strong relationship between regular attendance at school and children reaching their educational potential. At The Vineyard, we aim to work closely with pupils and their parents to ensure that children arrive punctually and attend regularly. Our Pupil Attendance Policy details all the procedures we have in place to ensure that our records are accurate. It also sets out how we work with families when problems with attendance and punctuality are identified.

Procedure if a child is absent

When a child is unexpectedly absent, the class teacher will record the absence in the register. The school office staff will then check whether there has been contact from a parent or carer.

The school encourages parents to inform the school of their child’s absence through illness by 8.30a.m. This provides reassurance of your child’s safety in the event that parents cannot be contacted by telephone for any reason.

When the child returns to school, an email or a letter should be provided from a parent or carer to explain the absence, and confirm its duration, even if the parent telephoned the school on the first day of absence. If we have not received a telephone call or absence email or letter, an ‘N’ letter will be sent home. Please complete the slip and return it to school with a reason for each of the absences listed. If we do not receive the reply slip within two weeks, these absences will be marked as unauthorised and cannot be changed at a later date.

Medical Protocol at School

If your child is unwell with a temperature, sickness or diarrhoea they should stay home. 

If your child has a cold or is feeling tired, please still send them to school. We can keep an eye on them and call you if we feel they need to go home. 

Medical Appointments

We ask if medical appointments can be arranged outside of school hours that parents do this where possible. If this is not possible, please send an email An email should be sent to the school prior to the day of absence, e.g. if a child has an unavoidable medical appointment. A scanned copy or photograph of the appointment letter should be attached to the email. Alternatively, you may print and fill out a Medical Appointment Slip (below).

Exceptional Leave

Parents wishing to apply for exceptional leave during term time should complete an 'Application for Exceptional Leave of Absence' form (available from the School Office or here). This must then either be handed in to the School Office, or directly to the headteacher well in advance of the absence. A full explanation of the circumstances is always helpful. A meeting with the headteacher might be necessary to discuss the application further.

Please read the Pupil Attendance Policy before submitting an application for exceptional leave.