LKS2 News

Come and find out what LKS2 have been up to this week!
Year 3
We’ve had a really busy and exciting week in Year 3, with the start of our weekly music sessions learning the violas and cellos being a particular highlight! In maths we have continued our work with fractions, and are finding fractions of different amounts (e.g. ¼ of 20). In English, we are writing a comparative setting description and demonstrating our brilliant description. We are also showing our understanding of using inverted commas when recording speech. Science has been particularly popular, with the children investigating the force of friction, and testing to see how different materials impact how successful a spinning top spins! Geography has seen us explore the location of the alps in Europe, whilst using contour lines to compare different mountains. In PE the children completed obstacle courses which included high jumping and throwing, and in PSHE we discussed how we can sensibly resolve conflicts, and how to hopefully come to win-win solutions.
Key Messages
Key vocab: win-win, surface, motion, contour lines, media (art!)
Spelling rule: homework review im- e.g. impossible
KIRFs: Counting in tenths 1/10
Year 4
We are back to writing narratives in English this term and the children have really been enjoying discovering the magical land of Narnia in C.S. Lewis's story. We have been creating and writing our own descriptions of this wondrous place using adjectives, similes and metaphors. The children have also been inspired by our science learning of animals and habitats this week. We have discovered that a classification key can be used to group animals by their features. Our focus for maths this week has been comparing, ordering and rounding decimals. How do we know which integer a decimal is closest to? Can a number line help us visualise this?
Key Messages
MTC preparation - please practise times tables daily!
Key vocab: classification key, plate boundaries, integer, description
Spelling rule: the s sound spelt ‘sc’
KIRFs: multiplying and dividing 1-digit numbers by 10 and 100.