KS1 News

Come and find out what KS1 have been up to this week!
Year 1
We have had a wonderful week in Year 1 and have been busy enjoying our wider curriculum subjects. In geography this week we reminded ourselves of the 7 continents and learnt about the 5 oceans. We had lots of fun using the globes, maps and atlases to locate the 5 oceans and label them on a world map. We also sang along to the 5 oceans song to help us remember their names. In science, we learnt more about materials as part of our new science topic. We learnt the names of 5 materials; glass, wood, metal, fabric and plastic. We were then material detectives and went on a materials hunt around the classroom and playground to see how many different materials we could see around us. We found so many! In English, we have been writing instructions on how to build a rocket. We made sure to use bossy verbs and time connectives at the start of our sentences and carefully sequence the steps in the right order. In maths, we have been using the vocabulary of equal and unequal to identify different groups. We learnt that equal means the same, and have been working hard to made unequal groups equal!
Key Messages
Key vocab: continent, oceans, materials, equal, unequal
KIRFs: doubles of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10
Please bring spelling books each Monday for the test and new set of words.
Year 2
Year 2 have been very busy completing their mock SATs this week. The children's resilience and perseverance has been very impressive. We are so proud of them. During PE we focused on athletics by practising throwing. We also used our learning of Time to make a big clock using cones and racing around the clock, clockwise and anticlockwise. Finally, we were so excited to be the first year group to try the new space hoppers! In science, we have all planted scrambled eggplant seeds, a gladioli bulb and green bean seed. We wrote a prediction about the rate of growth. Every week we plan to observe and collect data of the rate. In geography, we have started talking about the climate of the UK and what affects the climate. The children drew the map of the UK and labelled the cooler, warmer and wetter areas.
Key Messages
Key vocab: experiment, climate, northern hemisphere, temperature, quarter, half past
Spelling rule: suffix ‘ed’
KIRFs: telling the time to half past, quarter to, quarter past