Dear families,
I hope you all had a lovely break. As always, it's great to see the children back at school, and it has been a very positive start to the final part of the year.
In our Monday assembly, Mrs Dempster and I spoke about 'How to keep ourselves safe at school.' The children were very knowledgeable and spoke about the importance of talking to trusted adults, if they feel unsafe or worried, whilst at school. We also spoke about sun and water safety (see links). During the summer term, please ensure your child has sun cream applied in the morning and send them into school with a water bottle and a hat.
A huge well done to our year 4 children who took the statutory multiplication check during the week. Thank you to the staff team, the children and your help at home to ensure the children were prepared and ready to take the test. Next week, it is year 1's turn with the phonics screen check - good luck to all our young children who will be taking this.
The excitement in year 5 is bubbling as they prepare for their first residential trip to Hooke Court, where they will be fully immersed in life as it was during Viking times. They will be sleeping in bell tents and having a lot of fun, I’m sure.
We are still experiencing problems with our email system, which is very frustrating for everyone. Some emails sent from school are ending up in people's junk boxes. If you are expecting an email, please check your junk box. If you have received nothing after 48 hours, please send a reminder to school.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
Frances Bracegirdle
Headteacher -