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KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.

Year 1

We have had a lovely first week back after May half-term. We hope all our Year one families had a relaxing week off. As a final reminder, the Phonics Screening Check is next week. Please use the phonics portal over the week to consolidate all of our phonics learning. 

In English, we have been looking at the poem ‘Cold’ by Shirley Hughes and have written our own poems in the same style all about summer. We used lots of adjectives to build our noun phrases and worked hard on our presentation to publish them into a class poetry book. We were very proud of the result. 

In history, we had our first lesson on our new topic, the history of flight. We used our predicting skills to guess when different inventions were created and were very surprised to find out that the hot air balloon was invented first! We wrote sentences using time connectives to order the pictures from first to be invented to the most recent. We are looking forward to our trip to Brooklands Museum on Friday to see the concorde, which we will be learning about soon. 

In science, we began to think about the seasons and what different plants, animals and weathers we see in each of the seasons. 



Key Messages


Year 2

We have had an exceptional first week back! It was delightful to see so many smiling faces entering the classroom, brimming with energy and enthusiasm. We commenced the week by unveiling our new maths topic: statistics. The children engaged in creating and interpreting tally charts and block charts, developing a strong understanding of the connections between the displayed totals. In English, we delved into our captivating new book, The Bear and The Piano. Drawing inspiration from Bear’s remarkable bravery in leaving the forest to pursue his dreams, we composed explanatory sentences to justify why he deserves an award for his courage. We also mastered the use of apostrophes to indicate possession. Our history lessons were enlivened by Mrs. Hampton's brilliant play, The Royal Tudor Feast. Each child was assigned a role, and through this immersive experience, we explored the six Tudor monarchs and life during their reigns. Lastly, in DT, we began planning our exciting new project in celebration of World Environment Day. The children enthusiastically brainstormed ideas for creating finger puppets to raise environmental awareness.



Key messages: 

  • Vocabulary: standing ovation, applause, tailcoat, bow-tie, tally, data, survive, monarch, Tudor

  • Please check our email regarding our trip to Hampton Court, on 25th June. We will be confirming parent helpers in the next few days. 

  • We are looking for super with our sewing lessons - please email your class teacher if you are able to come in one afternoon to support sewing.

  • A reminder that children need their hair tied back to prevent the spread of headlice.