Dear all families,
As this is arriving in your inboxes I will be driving back from a couple of superb days at Osmington Bay with Year 6. It has been a pleasure to spend time with the children who have been extremely well-behaved. I feel incredibly proud of them all. They have braved heights (abseiling, leap of faith, giant swing), solved problems, kayaked and enjoyed a disco. Children and adults are all very tired, and I am sure they will sleep well this weekend. A huge thank you to all the adults who joined the trip.
It was lovely to see some of you at the parent workshop this week. Antony Cook (Chair of Governors) and Kirsty Maceachen (Vice Chair) spoke about the role of the Governing Body and I gave an update on the New Ofsted Framework and our priorities for the academic year. The slides will be sent next week for your information.
Year 2 have been working hard completing their SATs tests this week and will continue with these next week. They are being done in a very low-key way and the children are doing a great job showing off their learning over the last two years.
Onyx and Zircon class assemblies were an absolute delight - they were written by the children who shared the knowledge they had learnt this term. The parents in Zircon class were tested after each section to check they had been listening! Onyx parents were treated to a song, sung in two parts, conducted by one of the children. I was extremely impressed.
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Frances Bracegirdle
Headteacher -