LKS2 News

Come and find out what LKS2 have been up to!
Year 3
In English this week, the children were able to finish their poems on their fears and have had the chance to perform them in class. During maths this week, the children have started their time topic. We have been focusing on telling the time to 5 minutes and how the three different hands help us to tell the time on an analogue clock. We have had opportunities for plenty of hands-on activities in science, testing the test of different magnets and many paper clips they can pick up, whilst Geography has seen children identify the difference between Scafell Pike and The Alps. In PSHE we have highlighted the importance of being careful when playing games on computers, and considered ‘top tips’ to help us stay safe online.
- KIRFS: counting in tenths, recognising 0.10 = one tenth
- Spelling: -ture eg nature, adventure
- Vocab: layers, quarter past, half past, quarter to, o’clock, magnetic, strength, distance, glacier, coniferous tree, mountain range
Year 4
We have started our new text in English this week and are looking at explanation texts. We have identified the key features in that text type. Ask your child the key ingredients for an explanation text? In Maths, we are moving on to time. We have recapped hours, days, months and years. Practice at home with your child by converting how many minutes are in 3 hours? In geography, we have explored the effects of earthquakes on humans and the environment. We discussed what effect of earthquakes have the biggest impact on humans. In Science, we looked at seasonal migration, we researched different animals and learnt about when and where they migrate to.
Key Messages
- KIRFS- Times Tables rock stars.
- Spelling - que e.g. unique, catalogue
- Vocab- Explanation, technical vocabulary, famine, liquefaction