KS1 News

Come and find out what KS1 have been up to!
Year 1
We have been very busy in year 1 this week and have enjoyed the warmer weather and sunshine. In geography this week we continued our topic of Earth at its Extremes and this week focused on the Sahara Desert. We practised our geography skills of using photos to give us clues about what the climate in the Sahara Desert is like. We enjoyed learning new facts about hot deserts and drew and labelled a picture of all the features of a hot desert. In art, we compared the artwork of Andy Goldsworthy to another sculptor called Antony Gormley. We compared both of their work and were inspired by how they take their artwork outside. We used the malleable material of clay to sculpt human bodies, just like Antony Gormley did, and when they are dry we will put them around our learning garden. I wonder if you will spot any! In English, we have been reading our new book The Emperor's Egg, it is a nonfiction book, and we have enjoyed learning new facts about Emperor penguins. We have been writing our very own penguin fact files full of facts and information. We have enjoyed practising our publishing skills and using our neatest handwriting to write up our work in best.
Key Messages
Key vocab: desert, Sahara, climate, equator, materials, objects, nonfiction,
KIRFs: doubles of odd numbers; 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.
For school photo day (24/5/23) please come in full uniform, if you attend a club and need to wear PE kit, please bring this separately to change into.
Year 2
We have been really impressed with every child in year 2 this week for their effort and positive attitude at such a busy time. We are all so proud of them and can see the immense progress! In art, we are preparing ourselves to create an art piece in response to Kandinsky. To do this we practised mixing paint and presenting the different colours using only primary colours. Next week we hope to use these colours to make the create a Kandinsky piece. During geography this half-term we have been discussing what climate is and comparing the differences between Brazil and the UK. This week we focused on the human features of Brazil, Port of Santos. Here the children observed what a port has and why they might import and export different things. In English the children have enjoyed listening to salsa music which is a typical music of Cuba. The children listened out for bongo drums, trumpet, maracas and many more. The poem of Millo, the drum girl, has allowed the children to notice and begin to create their own rhymes, repetitions and onomatopoeia.
Key Messages
Key vocab: port, import, export, favelas, Cuba, onomatopoeia, repetition
For school photo day (24/5/23) please come in full uniform, if you attend a club and need to wear PE kit, please bring this separately to change into.