Dear all families,
It has been lovely to see so many families come into school to meet the teachers for parent teacher meetings. Those who were unable to join in person have had these meetings over Zoom.
The governors came in to meet all the staff this morning for breakfast. They are also busy reviewing our different curricula with the subject leaders to find out why we are teaching what we are teaching. This challenge is an important element of our evaluation process and helps to form our next steps.
I am in awe at how hard some of our parents are working to ensure the Christmas Fair is a huge success. It is taking place next Friday 9th December between 3.30 and 6.30pm. I am sure there will be some mince pies, mulled wine and carols, please do come along.
Please do check the website calendar to ensure you don't miss any events coming up and don't forget to scroll to the bottom of this newsletter. Do click on your year group page to find out what your children are up to or to see any key messages that are going out this week.
As always, if you ever have any concerns please do contact me by emailing I do genuinely want to hear your feedback and thoughts about what we are doing at school.
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Frances Bracegirdle