UKS2 News

Find out what UKS2 have been up to here!
Year 5
It was lovely to see so many parents and carers in school this week for the consultation meetings. Your child will have been given a piece of A5 paper containing their targets for reading, writing, maths and behaviour for learning. Please discuss these with your child/ren and encourage them to be accountable for their development and learning successes. The year group are coming to the end of their learning about Beowulf, translated by the peerless Michael Morpurgo. The classes were wowed by the bloodthirsty tales of heroism and vengeance. A particularly favourite part was the display of Grendel’s arm as a battle trophy in Heorot’s mead hall. We are now fully immersed in our fractions learning in maths. Children have been learning how to compare and sequence fractions with different denominators. French learning has been coming on apace this half term, with children learning to talk about directions and holidays. The classes recently enjoyed a dual language French-English book from the library.
Year 6
This week in maths we learnt how to measure angles and use a protractor. We also learnt how to find missing angles on straight lines and different types of triangles. In English we wrote a powerful letter to Rishi Sunak about combating climate change. In our letters we used expanded noun phrases, perfect tense and modal verbs. We were inspired by the gutsy story of Greta Thunberg. Our favourite part of the week was planning and designing our bird houses. In order for a birdhouse to be a bird home it must have a slanted roof, a front with a perch and an entrance, a back, a bottom and sides. Science was an experiment filled week where we got to test our own heart rates and how they changed based on different activity types. This was really fun because we got to do exercise to feel our heart rate in different places such as our neck and wrist. This week was filled with excitement, fun and energy!!!
Adele, Vlad & Woody (6 Garnet)
Key Messages
Please make sure your child’s water bottle is identifiable or named.
Next week, Upper KS2 will be visited by PC Mick to talk about Stranger Danger!
On 8/12, Year 5 are doing Viking day! Please come to school dressed as a Viking!
On 6/12, Year 6 will be visiting a Hindu temple. They will be back in school for lunch so no special plans needed.
On 9/12, the space dome will be coming to The Vineyard for Year 5