Reception News

"Look at me standing in the rain" (created at the Light Box)
In Reception, the children have been building dens in the Learning Garden to expand their creative thinking and role play opportunities. They have been very imaginative, and the new den in Jade Class has become many things over the week including a house, hotel and dog's home with many barking dogs!
The children loved the new role-play post office in Topaz Class, and they have been busy delivering parcels and letters to everyone in Free Learning.
We have been learning about sources of light, and we tested out different objects to see if they gave off light or not. Some of us thought that yellow or shiny objects produced light but when we tested it, we found out this was not true!
The classes have been visited by a new friend this week - little elves. They hide in a new place each day and their job is to look out acts of kindness from all the children.
The Reception children have been working so hard to practise their lines and songs for our Nativity Plays next week. Thank you for your support in sending in their costumes.
Key Messages:
Parent Meetings: It was great to meet you all for our parent meetings this week. We hope you found it useful. Please click here for a link to learn more about the expectations for children's learning in Reception.
Coats: As the weather has turned colder, please make sure your child wears a coat each day to school.