UKS2 News

Come and find out what UKS2 have been up to this week.
Year 5
The year group has enjoyed afternoon activities to mark Mental Health Week. These have ranged from guided meditation, reflecting on the things for which we are grateful, some mindful colouring to relaxing to music and a class-led request, to do the daily mile. The children’s weaving skills have developed further after our most recent lesson, when they foraged for natural materials within the grounds and made their own loom out of sturdy twigs, tied together with string. There have been some delightful results produced! We have enjoyed reporting on the dramatic events of our English text, The Highwayman, using the genre conventions of a tabloid newspaper. This is the second time we have used boxed success criteria and it is guiding the children’s writing effectively and well.
Key Messages
After half term, the children’s science learning will continue with materials, including learning about reversible and irreversible changes.
Our English text will be The Tempest, which will be brought to life by our visit to The Globe Theatre
Our Spring B KIRFS will be percentages, decimals and fractions for ½, ¼, ¾, tenths and hundredths
We are planning a visit to The Poppy Factory for the summer term to provide hands-on learning in our vicinity about World War One. Watch out for further information on Ping
Year 6
This week has all been about Children’s Mental Health. Every day we have had the opportunity for some mindful activities, these activities have included; reading, drawing, time in the learning garden and time to socialise with our friends. In science we have been using circuits to learn Morse code and create burglar alarms to protect our school. During our art sessions we have been continuing our learning about Hokusai and his famous woodblock prints. We have been making our own woodblocks but used Styrofoam instead. The Year 6 Green Team were invited to an eco-conference at Tiffin Girls School. We had a very interesting day learning how to make our school a greater place. We also learnt about ‘let’s go zero’ which helps our school become carbon neutral. We had fun planting peas which we came back to school with. Our local MP gave a very important chat about how they are helping the environment. We also learnt about ‘swap it up, this when you switch buying clothes from shops and using second hand clothes.
Key Messages
After half term will we be focusing on WW2 in History, some key vocab to learn is ally and the countries that were involved.
- We will also be reading the book ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell.
- Key vocabulary: biome and fauna/flora.