UKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 5 & 6 this week.
Year 5
Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful and restful holiday season. The Year 5 children have returned with great enthusiasm, and it has been fantastic to see their positive attitude and eagerness to dive into the new term.
In English, we have started an exciting new book, Boy in the Back of the Class. The children have been captivated by the story so far and are already engaging in thoughtful discussions about its themes and characters. It’s wonderful to see them connecting with the text and expressing their ideas so confidently.
Maths lessons have been equally dynamic as we’ve tackled the method of long multiplication. The children are showing excellent focus and determination as they practise this important skill. It’s rewarding to see their confidence grow with each new challenge.
Our creative side has flourished in art, where we’ve begun a unit on weaving. The children have embraced the intricacies of this craft, and their budding designs are a testament to their patience and creativity.
In geography, we’ve been studying the fascinating world of trade. The class has been exploring how goods move around the world and the impact trade has on communities. Their curiosity and insightful questions have been a highlight of the week.
It’s been a truly positive start to the term, and we are proud of how well the children have settled back into school life after the holidays. Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to an exciting and productive fortnight ahead.
w/b 13.01.25
Spelling rule: Creating nouns
using -ness suffix
Key words:
- happiness
- hardness
- madness
- nastiness
- silliness
- tidiness
- childishness
- willingness
- carelessness
- foolishness
Maths facts: factors of numbers to 50
w/b 20.01.25
Spelling rule: Creating nouns
using -ship suffix
Key words:
- membership
- ownership
- partnership
- dictatorship
- championship
- craftsmanship
- fellowship
- apprenticeship
- citizenship
- sponsorship
Maths facts: factors of numbers to 50
Key Messages:
- 20th January - Yes day
- 22nd January - Open Classroom 3:15 - 3:45
- 31st January - International Day
Year 6
Happy New Year. We were thrilled to welcome the children back for a brand-new term last Monday. The children have settled in wonderfully and we are already diving into a range of new engaging topics.
In science, we began our light topic, focusing on the fascinating concept of reflection. The children explored how light bounces off surfaces and how this can affect the way we see things. We also learnt about the human eye and how actually the images we see get flipped around by our brain so that they are the right way up.
In geography, we kicked off our study of migration, with an initial focus on UK counties. The students have already been learning about the different counties within the UK, their geographical locations and the cultural diversity across regions. It has sparked some great discussions and we are excited to continue exploring the patterns and reasons behind migration over the next few weeks.
We started our art topic with a jigsaw puzzle and had to work in groups to find out what our new topic was about. We created a picture of the famous Hokusai print: The Great Wave. We are looking forward to learning more about printing techniques this term.
Over the last two weeks of English lessons, we have been writing a news report about the dramatic death of King Duncan. The children have been applying their journalistic skills, focusing on using the passive voice and direct and indirect speech for witness quotes. We loved reading the end of Macbeth and finding out about his dramatic fate!
Finally, in maths, we have started a new topic on percentages. The children have been learning to understand and calculate percentages, building on their prior knowledge of fractions and decimals.
All of the Y6 teachers want to say how impressed they are that almost the whole year group had their maths homework and new reading comprehension homework completed and in on time on Monday - keep it up!
w/b 13.01.25
Spelling rule: Words with a long /e/ sound spelt ‘ie’ or ‘ei’ after c (and exceptions)
Key words: reflection, retina, printing, Hokusai, passive voice
w/b 20.01.25
Spelling rule: Words with a long /e/ sound spelt ‘ie’ or ‘ei’ after c (and exceptions)
Key words: register, refraction, percentage, push and pull factors
Key Messages:
Please try and encourage children to do their reading diaries on a daily basis rather than filling in in one block.
We hope to see many of you on Wednesday at the open classroom event.
Monday 20th January - Friday 24th January - Mock SATs week
Monday 20th January - Yes day (PTA fundraiser)
Wednesday 22nd January - open classroom 3:15 - 3:45
Friday 31st January - International Day