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UKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 5 & 6 this week.

Year 5

This week has been packed with exciting learning experiences that have truly enriched our students’ education. In English, we delved into the world of poetry, inspired by the book ‘Cloud Busting’ by Malorie Blackman. The children explored their creativity, crafting vivid imagery and emotions in their poems. It was wonderful to see them express themselves and share their unique perspectives.

In our science lessons, we investigated the concept of water resistance. Through hands-on experiments, the children tested different plasticine shapes to see how quickly they fell through the water. This inquiry sparked lively discussions among the children. In geography this week, we explored the impact of human migration on a country's population, as well as the push and pull factors which might lead to migration between countries. The children loved exploring atlases to locate countries on a global map. In PSHE lessons this week, we reinforced our classroom values by discussing rewards and consequences. We engaged the students in a thoughtful dialogue about personal responsibility and the importance of making positive choices. A highlight of the week was our visit from the renowned author Cressida Cowell. The children were captivated by her stories and insights into the writing process, inspiring many to explore their own creative writing further.

Finally, our field trip to Richmond Park last week provided a fantastic opportunity for outdoor learning. We loved the opportunity to ask members of the public our own carefully crafted questions, which led to some enlightening and interesting data about Richmond. We realised the importance of asking the right questions and accurately recording our results. Our research deepened our appreciation for Richmond as a wonderful place to live! 

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to more enriching experiences in the weeks ahead!



w/b 07.10.24

Spelling rule: Homophones and near homophones

Key words: stanza, rhyme, acrostic poems, exchange, difference, subtraction, migration, push and pull factors, continent, water resistance, expected behaviour, consequence, perspective

Maths facts: Column subtraction


w/b 14.10.24

Spelling rule: Homophones and near homophones

Key words: haiku, rhyme scheme, repetition, rhyming couplet, syllables, rhythm, levers, evaluate, emigrate, heritage, research

Maths facts: Estimating and checking answers


Key dates: 

Tuesday 15th October  - Open Classrooms 8:45-9:10

Tuesday 15th October - Behaviour For Learning Workshop 09:15-09:45

Thursday 17th October - PTA BINGO night

Wednesday 23rd October - End of half term


Year 6

The last two weeks have been packed with engaging and enriching activities for Year 6!

In geography last week, the children enjoyed a special fieldwork day, where they explored a local building that has won awards for its sustainability. During the visit, they observed both human and physical features of the site, considering how these elements contribute to supporting the environment. The children were fascinated by how modern buildings can have a positive impact on the planet. A huge thank you to Clare, Mimi's mum, who gave an excellent tour and presentation - it was a highlight of the week and we all learned so much!

This week in English, we have started a new topic: analysing the poem Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. The children have been having fun with this imaginative poem, identifying the many “nonsense” words it contains and making clever guesses about their meaning and word class. They have shown great creativity in discussing how these made-up words might work in the context of the poem. For example, what do you think the word “galumphing” might mean? We have explored the text in depth, and next week, the children will be using their analysis to transform the poem into a narrative story.

In maths, Year 6 have shown excellent progress in their learning, particularly by mastering long division. They’ve tackled not only straightforward calculations but also learned how to handle remainders and solve word problems using division. We’ve also started exploring the order of operations, which will help the children solve more complex mathematical problems. How would you approach solving 3 + 4 x (10 - 1)?

As a year group, we want to send our best wishes to Mrs Chambers who will be starting her maternity leave next week. She worked in Y5 last year and this year has supported children across all three classes. Her presence will definitely be missed. We’re looking forward to seeing a photo of her baby girl once she has safely arrived and seeing if any of our name predictions are correct.



w/b 07.10.24

Spelling rule:

Hyphens: To join a prefix ending in a vowel to a root word beginning with a vowel

Key words: dividend, divisor, quotient, remainder, present tense, sentence starters, fieldwork, sustainability, microorganism, germ, fungi, bacteria 

Maths facts:

Square and cube numbers


w/b 14.10.24

Spelling rule:

Hyphens: To join compound adjectives 

to avoid ambiguity

Key words: order, priority, operation, poem, nonsense words, narrative, mould, methodology, prediction 

Maths facts:

Square and cube numbers


Key dates: 

Tuesday 15th October  - Open Classrooms 8:45-9:10

Tuesday 15th October - Behaviour For Learning Workshop 09:15-09:45

Thursday 17th October - PTA BINGO night

Wednesday 23rd October - End of half term