UKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 5 & 6 this week.
Year 5
We can hardly believe it: our final full week of the academic year is here. What an incredible journey it has been! We've had numerous trips, a residential, fundraisers, sports tournaments, and music concerts, all enriching the fantastic curriculum learning the children have done this year.
Our Year 5 maths learning concluded with hands-on experimentation, using cubes to estimate the volume of irregular 3D objects. The children have had a fantastic year, developing and refining their problem-solving skills and mathematical fluency, preparing them for the challenge of Year 6.
In English, the children have been excitedly researching their favorite town or city and presenting their findings in an informal travel guide. It has been a lovely way to wrap up the year! Throughout the year, the children have explored new forms and styles of writing, becoming talented and creative writers.
Our final science topic had the children explore the changes humans go through as they grow. This week, we focused on changes in old age, discussing at which age we think we reach our mental and physical peaks. The children have learned so much in science, from life cycles to space. It has been wonderful to see their curiosity grow as budding scientists.
On behalf of the entire Year 5 team, we would like to thank all the children for their hard work and dedication to their studies this year. They have proven to be mature, conscientious students who are well-prepared for Year 6. We couldn't be prouder of their achievements. A big thank you also goes to you—the parents. Without your support with trips, reading groups, and resourcing some of our lessons (to name just a few things), this year would have been a huge challenge for us. We wish you all a great summer holiday and a big reset before September.
Key Messages
Key vocab: volume, capacity, approximate, container, leaflet, travel, Women’s land army, agriculture, ration, elderly
Key dates:
Monday 22nd July: Y5 djembe drumming concert for parents and siblings, 09.00 - 09.40
Wednesday 24th July: School Closes at 1.30pm
Year 6
This week has been another jam-packed week in Year 6. As many of you saw, we performed our fantastic production: Vineyard-O-Vision. In our costumes, we sang our hearts out and acted to the best of our abilities - wowing not only the teachers but our families and friends. All of our rehearsals had led up to this week and we all enjoyed being able to show off our talents on the stage. Thank you all for attending.
In PSHE, we created memory boxes, considering our best moments from The Vineyard, allowing us to cherish them forever. We thought about our favourite stories, people we would like to thank and friends that we have made along the way. It was really nice being able to reflect on all the amazing memories with friends and teachers alike.
In P.E we were playing different games not using equipment. All of us enjoyed how creative we could be and flourished in the different challenges that came up during the lesson. ‘Cops and Robbers’ was a personal favourite as it allowed us all to move around a lot and let off a lot of energy.
As Year 6 teachers, we have been incredibly proud of the children throughout this year. With only 3 days to go, we wanted to say a really big well done to all of the cohort for all their hard work and dedication to their final year at The Vineyard. This year really has been special and each child has left a lasting memory with us.
Key Messages
Cinema trip - Monday 22nd - children to bring one snack (can be unhealthy) NO NUTS.
Leavers assembly - Wednesday 24th 9:15am
Year 6 pick up - Wednesday 24th 1:15pm
- Any questions about SATs results please email: