UKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 5 & 6 this week.
Year 5
What a busy week we’ve had in Year 5! At the much-anticipated Festival of Sport, the students showcased their ever-improving physical skills in various activities, including running, jumping, and team-based games. It was wonderful to see their enthusiasm and teamwork in action. The children demonstrated not only their physical abilities but also their sportsmanship, supporting and cheering for each other throughout the event. Their week of sport finished on Friday with the entire school participating in a walk around Richmond Park, putting their sustained endurance to the test.
In addition, we excitedly visited Rushall Farm, where the children delved into the workings of a farm. The trip was an eye-opening experience as the children explored how farms operate and observed animals interacting with their environment. They learned about the different roles within a farm and the importance of agriculture in our daily lives. The hands-on experience was both educational and enjoyable, providing the children with a deeper understanding of nature and the environment.
In the classroom, we jumped into an exciting hands-on maths learning activity about volume. Using blocks, the children explored the concept of volume, enhancing their understanding through practical application. They were introduced to cubic centimetres and compared them to millilitres, beginning to understand which unit is appropriate for different applications.
Our English lessons this week focused on the use of structural devices in writing. The students examined various techniques authors use to structure their texts. The children experimented with these devices in their own writing, gaining insights into how to create compelling and well-organized pieces.
Key Messages
Key vocab: metric, imperial, volume, cubic centimetres, bullet points, non-fiction, informational, primary source, secondary source, hormones, puberty, debate, rebute
Spellings: Convert nouns or verbs into adjectives using suffix -al
Key dates:
Monday 15th July: Y5 boys football tournament
Wednesday 17th July: Y5 Peridot Holly Lodge trip
Friday 19th July: Purple Elephant School Council charity event
Year 6
With less than a week to go to our first performance, our focus this week has been on the Year 6 production. Rehearsing with props and scene changes, sound and lighting prepared us for our first mini-performance to KS1 - next week, we will add in the costumes ready for our dress rehearsal to KS2. If anyone has not yet brought their costumes into school, please do so as soon as possible or speak to your child’s class teacher if you are not sure what is needed. We want to rehearse in costumes on Monday.
We were very lucky that the sun shone for our Festival of Sport where we showed our peers and our families what good movers we were as well as excellent sportsmen and women. Improving our techniques in running, jumping and throwing as well as a fantastic tug-of-war resulted in excellent matches, allowing us to try different methods and work as a team.. The sprinters this year showed great effort and excellent perseverance and congratulated each other after the races.
In PSHE this week, we focused on secondary transition and discussed thoughts we have. We problem solved different worries and came up with solutions to these worries. Although lots of us feel worried to leave our friends and the comfort of The Vineyard, we are excited for new opportunities, new lessons and more independence. We hope that you had a good/interesting discussion with your child/children following the PSHE lesson on Monday which focussed on conception.
It really is hard to believe that we are about to start our last full week at The Vineyard. We are excited for a jam-packed final 8 days and hope to see many of you at the productions next week.
Key messages
Key summer dates for Y6
Performances next week: Wednesday 6.30pm and Thursday 2pm and 6.30pm
Reading diaries are still due in on Mondays