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UKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 5 & 6 this week.

Year 5

After an exhilarating but exhausting residential trip, the Year 5 children have returned to school well-rested and full of positive memories. With our attention turning back to schoolwork, we are excited to restart our topics of World War 1, forgiveness, human growth, and curry making, as well as re-engaging with our maths and English learning.

In maths, we have concluded our learning of decimals, using place value charts to multiply and divide them. Next, we are jumping into our new topic of negative numbers. In the real world, negative numbers can be seen on thermometers and in lifts. Can you think of any other examples?

Other fun learning this week has been in history, where the children have delved deeper into the question: why did WW1 become a world war? They have written their findings using historical evidence.

Following our exploration of Christian teachings on forgiveness in the past few weeks, we are moving on to Buddhism and how it encourages forgiveness as a principle. The children participated in some child-led research on Buddhist practices and principles, such as meditation, karma, and ahimsa.

Our trip to Barnes Literary Festival inspired all students and many of the children have expressed an excitement to read more Jennifer Killick books. Her spooky tales are the perfect age-appropriate stories for Year 5 and beyond.



Key Messages

  • Key vocab: product, quotient, negative numbers, obituary, foetus, prenatal, propaganda, enlist, commonwealth, ahimsa, four Brahma Viharas, oestrogen, testosterone

  • KIRFs: Converting metric measurements

  • Spellings: Adding verb prefix over-

  • Key dates:

    • 26th Starlite - Moonstone curry making day

    • 27th June - Moonstone curry making day

    • 28th June - Peridot curry making day

    • 3rd July - RE forgiveness workshop


Year 6

This week has been another jam-packed week for Year 6. We started the week with a very informative Safe and Sound workshop. We learnt about how to keep ourselves safe when out and about and discussed different scenarios and what the children should do if ever they find themselves in a tricky or scary situation whilst out on the streets. The children listened so respectfully and asked thoughtful questions, really showing their teachers that they are ready for secondary school. Dean, who delivered the workshop, talked about top tips eg where to put your phone whilst out and where to sit on a bus.

Wednesday saw the finale of our enterprise project. The school hall was buzzing with excited KS2 children coming to spend their money on creative games and fun activities. It was really great to see Y6’s hard work, teamwork and creativity come together and they should all feel rightly proud of what they achieved. They managed to turn an idea into a reality with a limited budget and limited time. The profit made from this event will go to towards funding an end of year cinema trip for all to enjoy. We will announce the winners for best teamwork, greenest group, most engaging activity and most profit shortle - watch this space. Well done all!

We have also been busy preparing the children for their week away to PGL and excitement levels are definitely high! Please reread this letter to help with final reminders.  

Fingers crossed the weather is on our side so please ensure that your child has a sunhat and sunscreen packed! The only food permitted is one sensible snack (nut free) to be eaten when we stop on the way to PGL. We look forward to seeing everyone with their suitcases on Monday morning at normal school time.




Key Messages