UKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 5 & 6 this week.
Year 5
What an adventure we’ve had in Year 5 this week! From rafting to shelter building, cooking to clay crafting, night walking to orienteering, the children have engaged with a range of new and unfamiliar challenges enthusiastically and collaboratively. Despite the weather being against us at times, the children have shown resilience and supportiveness to guide each other through what, for many of them, has been their first time away from home. We have seen smiles on faces and heard laughter in the air. We are immensely proud of all the children, who have had a fantastic time on their first residential, showcasing wonderful independence. They are, of course, looking forward to reuniting with their friends and family on Friday’s return.
Key Messages
- Key vocab: residential, team work, orienteering, raft, shelter, nature, round house, independence, courage
- Key dates:
- 19th June - Year 5/6 hockey tournament
- 21st June - Year 5 Barnes Literary Festival
Year 6
The week started with a fun filled DT day! We spent all day creating our moving fairground rides in groups. The children showed us how resilient they could be as they faced some challenges along the way. Teachers were all very impressed to see how the children’s sawing skills and problem-solving skills have improved throughout the year. We had chair-o-planes, merry go rounds and ferris wheels and each group made their ride eye-catching and unique. Everyone worked incredibly well as part of their team and the communication and compromising witnessed was a very good sign for what’s to come at PGL in a couple of weeks.
Speaking of PGL, a final reminder letter will be sent out next week containing information about drop off and pick up. Please complete this form if you have yet to do so so that we know how to dismiss your child upon our return.
Other exciting things this week have been creating posters and resources for our Market Day next Wednesday. As per an earlier letter, please ensure all receipts are sent into school so that we can reimburse any money spent. Prizes will be given for the groups that make the most profit, are the most eco-friendly and work the most collaboratively. We know this last one is going to be very hard to judge!
Amongst practising for the production, we have also had time to visit the Mosque and we asked really thoughtful questions which will help us with our topic on sacred texts. We have also been immersed into our new and final science topic which is all about classifying living things and Carl Linnaeus.
Key Messages
Homework: Maths due Monday, reading diaries due Monday and children should be off scripts by Monday.
Please make sure the children are bringing healthy snacks for breaktime.