UKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 5 & 6 this week.
Year 5
An engaging 4-day week has passed at The Vineyard, filled with enriching experiences for our students. Here's an overview of our activities:
In English, we finished our final week of studying Shakespeare's "The Tempest." Students enthusiastically crafted wedding invitations for Ferdinand and Miranda, showcasing their creativity and literary understanding. The celebration of Shakespeare did not stop there as on Thursday the students travelled to the Globe Theatre.
If your child loved the trip then be sure to build on that enthusiasm by booking a workshop for this summer. The Globe hold shows throughout the summer, dressing demonstrations, a historical tour of the theatre and even a hands on sword fighting demonstration.
In maths, we explored 3-D shapes and nets, with students actively constructing and deconstructing various shapes to deepen their understanding of spatial concepts. On the final day of this week, we begun our new topic of position and direction. We started with a recap on coordinates and we will look to build on this in the upcoming weeks.
Science lessons focused on the fascinating metamorphosis of insects. We analysed the 3-stage metamorphosis compared to the 4-stage metamorphosis. The key point of learning was that rather than just growing bigger, they actually change form, like from caterpillars into butterflies.
Key Messages
Key vocab: contractions, coordinates, x-axis/y-axis, translation, digital footprint, cookies (web-browsing).
KIRFS: decimal bonds to 1 and 10
Spellings: adverbials of place
Monday 20th May - Hooke Court Parent Meeting on zoom at 4:00pm.
Saturday 18th May - PTA five-a-side football at school.
Year 6
Even though we have only had a short week at school, we have still crammed in a huge amount of hardwork and revision. In maths, we have consolidated all of our learning on fractions, decimals and percentages and have ensured we can solve problems with a very high degree of accuracy. We have also been teachers and had a go at correcting a maths paper with our green pens - this really helped us identify common misconceptions.
Our reading skills have also been put to the test this week as we have looked at how to approach different question types and we came up with a list of top tips for managing our time within the test next week. In English, we have revised different word types and punctuation marks. We really enjoyed completing a SPaG scavenger hunt around the learning garden in the sunshine on Friday. It was a chance for us to show off all we know.
We continued our artist study on Favianna Rodriguez and created detailed pages about her in our sketch books. Check out the school’s instagram to see some of them in progress.
The children have worked SO hard and we are SO proud of them all. We know they are ready for the SATs tests next week and don’t want anyone to feel worried. There is no homework set other than to fill in their reading diary as we want them to enjoy the sunshine and get lots of rest. We hope to see many of you at the May Fair on Saturday and if not at the SATs breakfast on Monday morning.
Key Messages
Please make sure the children are bringing healthy snacks for breaktime.
Dates: 13th-16th May - SATS week
Friday 17th May - trip to Terrace Gardens for the afternoon