UKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 5 & 6 this week.
Year 5
I'm delighted to share the highlights of our enriching week in Year 5!
In our maths lessons, we delved into the captivating world of angles, exploring their properties and applications. From identifying angles in our environment to solving angle puzzles.
Inspired by William Shakespeare's ‘The Tempest,’ our students undertook a thrilling adventure of scriptwriting. Drawing from the play's themes and characters, they crafted their own Shakespearean scripts, acting out their productions.
Our science lessons were equally captivating as we studied the fascinating realm of plant reproduction. Through hands-on experiments and discussions, the students gained insights into the lifecycle of plants, from pollination to seed development.
In our art sessions, we focused on observational drawing, particularly in capturing facial structures. With each stroke of the pencil, the students showcased their growing confidence and creativity, experimenting with different techniques and styles.
Year 5 had a visit from a police officer this week, PC Bacha. Don’t worry though, as he was here to speak to the children about stranger danger and how to stay safe online. The children were engaged and respectful to our uniformed visitor.
Key Messages
Key vocab: obtuse angle, acute angle, right angle, bulb, runners, climate, stage directions, facial proportions, online community
KIRFS: decimal bonds to 1 and 10
Spellings: words containing the letter string ‘ough’ (2)
Wednesday 1st May: RSE Workshop for families 9am and 5:30pm
Monday 6th May: bank holiday - no school
Year 6
It’s been another busy week in Year 6 with lots of maths, spelling, grammar and reading revision and everyone’s been working really hard.
The children are enjoying reading Skellig by David Almond as our class book and are intrigued to find out more about the creature the protagonist has found living in the dilapidated garage at the bottom of the garden of the new house him and his family have moved to.
It has been really exciting to get outside onto the pitch for all our PE lessons this week. The children have been practising throwing and catching for cricket and are starting to hone their athletics skills ready for the Festival of Sport at the end of the year. We practised a sprint start, thought about the different stages of a sprinting race and used vortexes to see how far we could throw.
In PSHE, we have been expressing gratitude for the important relationships in our lives and the impact that they can have on our mental health. We discussed a range of complex emotions that we might experience in our friendships from insecurity to validation and discussed the kinds of things that friends or family members can do for us to make us feel good such as make us laugh, spend quality time with us or write us a kind note. We will continue to talk a lot about positive friendships this half term as Year 6 reflect on the amazing friendships they have made at The Vineyard and how to create positive new ones when they go to secondary school.
Key Messages
Key vocab: translation, reflection, synonyms, antonyms, activist
Spelling rule: Key Stage 2 statutory spellings (we will pick 10 words at random from the list each week for our spelling test)
Please make sure the children are bringing healthy snacks for breaktime.
- Dates: 13th-16th May - SATS week, RSE workshop for parents Tuesday 9am and 5:30pm