UKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 5 & 6 this week.
Year 5
The start of Spring was marked by a varied week that saw several interesting departures from our usual timetable. On Monday, we had a Key Stage 2 assembly taken by a representative of the Dogs’ Trust. This raised awareness amongst our children about the importance of approaching a dog safely and knowing how to behave around one, treating them as we would like to be treated, giving them time, space and respect. Each class had their own follow-up session, which included some fun role play as a dog and pretending to eat some chocolate sweets.
As part of a new government initiative to raise levels of first aid knowledge, each class received their own lesson about emergency response to a first aid emergency, including how to assess immediate risks, place someone in the recovery position and give CPR. Children practised giving chest compressions and talked about what to do if someone is choking. This learning also links with our PSHE topic, Healthy Me and follows a learning sequence that includes making children aware of how alcohol and tobacco are harmful for our health.
The cohort’s needlework skills were developed this week as they continued making the pockets that they designed and started in recent lessons.
Our maths learning has been focused on calculating perimeter and area and the classes have enjoyed a book set around a year in the life of some insects, which includes its own vocabulary.
Key Messages
Key vocab: speech, language, inference, area, cm squared, corrosion, rust, Alexander the Great
KIRFS: equivalence across decimals, fractions and percentages
Converting nouns or adjectives into verbs using the suffix -ify
NSPCC Number Day including dressing up, Monday 25th March
Here are the slides for the Hooke Court meeting last half term
Year 6
As we approach the end of the term, Year 6 are still continuing to impress and work as hard as they can. It has been great to see all the children focusing and making the most of their learning time with the SATs not too far away! In maths, we have been continuing our topic: statistics. Throughout this week we have been using pie charts to find out different data. The children have also been using pie charts with percentages to discover the amount of people who support a football team, favourite flavour of crisps and the amount of people who wear glasses. The children were visited by Dogs’ Trust this week. In assembly and via a workshop, the children were taught about the importance of approaching a dog safely, how to behave around one and ensuring that themselves and the dog feel comfortable. On Wednesday, the children participated in their ‘Junior Citizenship’. All the children enjoyed the variety of different activities and challenges. We were all really impressed by their maturity and teamwork throughout the day. We really hope the skills and information they learnt that day will stick with them and support them. Finally, in English, the children have started planning their alternative ending to our book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’. The children were considering the character’s emotions, thoughts and actions when a new yacht approached the island. We cannot wait to read their own creative endings.
Key Messages
Key vocab: Colonisation, mean, dialogue, suspense and agility.
KIRFs: Consolidation of previous KIRFs topics.
Spelling rule: Year 5 and 6 statutory words.
Please make sure the children are bringing healthy snacks for breaktime.
Kingdom of Benin workshop taking place on Wednesday 26th March.
Online maths homework set on (teachers have logins if needed).