UKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 5 & 6 this week.
Year 5
The week opened with a bang and saw our indoor PE teamwork learning include gladiatorial-style events such as racing to pull team mates across the floor on gym mats. As well as being a lot of fun, the activity included the need to think carefully about who made suitable ‘pushers’ and ‘pullers’.
This week has also seen the contrast of children taking working individually and in silence to complete assessments in arithmetic, reasoning and reading comprehension. We hope that the results do justice to the children’s learning this year and that families will find them encouraging as the cohort moves closer towards Year 6 and the transition to secondary school.
Science continued this week with children categorising changes into reversible and irreversible, based on their everyday experiences. We looked at the dramatic effect of mixing baking powder and vinegar to make an effervescent mixture that releases carbon dioxide… and we considered how, along with added colouring, flavouring and sugar, fizzy drinks are manufactured.
As we finish our time with ‘the book with no words’, Unspoken, by Henry Cole, the children enjoyed the novelty of practising writing in character using a local dialect (the US Deep South), Reading and English lessons included opportunities to practise and some of the results proved uncannily realistic.
History learning included finding out more about one of the most enduring legacies left by the era: democracy. Children ended their lesson comparing rule by monarchy with democracy.
Key Messages
Key vocab: underground railroad, play script, permanent, reversible, democracy, good and evil
KIRFS: equivalence across decimals, fractions and percentages
Spellings: converting nouns or adjectives into verbs using the suffix -ise
Here are the slides for the Hooke Court meeting last half term
Year 6
As the SATs are approaching, Year 6 have partaken in their final mock SATs exams. We have all been impressed by the children’s maturity, resilience and focus during all the exams. At the end of the term the children will receive their papers to take home and look over during the Easter break. Well done to all Year 6 students. History allowed the children to discover different artefacts for the Kingdom of Benin. It was incredible to see the children linking their knowledge of the Obas and the Gods to their given artefact. After researching thoroughly, the children then presented to their fellow classmates and taught them about their artefact. Due to the weather earlier in the week, outdoor P.E’s focus was table tennis. The children were focusing on different ways in which they could win points and were developing a specific type of serve: backspin serve. On Friday, we started our new maths topic - statistics. The children were interpreting data from line graphs and even plotting their own. We will continue this unit throughout next week and look at other ways data in presented. It has also been lovely to see so many children accessing the new online maths homework already! We have heard really positive feedback from the children and will continue setting on here until further notice. Finally, on Wednesday afternoon, the children earned a very well-deserved reward for their hard-working and respectful attitudes towards their learning. We saw some beautiful artwork and some competitive dodgeball. Another huge well done Year 6!
Key Messages
Key vocab: Pie chart, data, dialogue, results and conclusion.
KIRFs: Consolidation of previous KIRFs topics.
Spelling rule: Year 5 and 6 statutory words.
Please make sure the children are bringing healthy snacks for breaktime.
Holly Lodge trip - Wednesday 20th March - children need a coat and sensible shoes for walking in the park. We should be back to school for 3:30pm