UKS2 News

Come and find out what UKS2 have been doing this week!
Year 5
It was wonderful to welcome the children back. There was a lot of excitement in the classroom on Tuesday morning! Since then, we have started our new units which include our art unit of weaving, our new geography unit on trade in the UK and El Salvador, and our new science unit on the properties of materials. In English, the children have been gripped by Morris’ cunning plan to escape Alcatraz. We have written letters home from the perspective of an incarcerated inmate back in 1962, just before the prison closed. We have looked at key vocabulary: incarcerated, inmate and surveillance. In maths, we have been working hard on ‘breaking the whole’ when subtracting fractions. We have looked at the different steps that enable us to do this successfully: finding a common denominator, converting our fractions into improper fractions, and finally, converting them back into mixed numbers. Please ask your child to teach you how to do it this weekend- I am sure they would love to share their learning with you!
Year 6
This week, we were happy to return to school. Our highlight has been starting Macbeth- a play by William Shakespeare. We started by looking at technical language used in court. We learnt new terms such as verdict, jury and defendant. Eventually, we will be writing a persuasive letter to the jury to ask them to free Macbeth, a king committed of murder. In PSHE, we have set some goals. We did this on hot air balloons, by thinking about the different steps to achieving our goals. Year 6 will be turning these into a display which will be very exciting to see.
Athena, Maria and Gonzalo.
Key Messages
Year 5 have started looking at doubles and halves of numbers up to 100. Please test your child frequently.
Year 5 are looking at adjectives, ending in -ent, this week in spellings. This includes words like ‘obedient’ and ‘frequent’.
Year 6 are focusing on converting measurements.
If your child has a big pencil case, please purchase a smaller pencil case that can fit in their tray.