UKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 5 & 6 this week.
Year 5
This week we have been treated to an absolutely marvellous carol concert at St Matthias Church. It was amazing to join with Year 3 to retell the story of the nativity. There was some beautiful singing on display and some inspiring musical instrument playing by Fletcher, Sophia D and Tanvi. We have been powering through our last full week, continuing our focus on adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators. It has been brilliant seeing the deep understanding children have towards this fractions topic and continue to build on it every day. In English, the children have been writing their own story about Father Christmas going on holiday. It has been clear that the children have loved doing this and approach every day with an optimism about creating their own story. Once the stories have been written we are hoping to read them to Year 2. Next week, the children have some real treats to look forward to: D&T day (creating their own bridges using all the knowledge that they have learnt so far), Viking shield making, Christmas jumper day and Christmas lunch day. There will still be maths homework due in next Monday and also a spelling test on that Monday. Us teachers have been so impressed with the effort and time the children have been putting into their spelling test and it is showing in their English writing pieces as they have been writing accurately and efficiently. It’s been a rewarding seven weeks so far; we are going to end with a Christmas cracker bang in our eighth!
Key Messages
Key vocab: dialogue, reporting clause, adverbs, water resistance, mixed number.
KIRFS: halving and doubling numbers to 100
The Vineyard is having its Christmas jumper and Christmas lunch day on Tuesday.
Thursday the 14th of December is the last day of this term and the school will close at 1:30.
Year 6
This week, we have enjoyed some Christmas festivities. Thank you to all families who came to watch us at the church on Wednesday - it was lovely to see so many of you there and we hope you enjoyed our final carol service. The children really did us proud with their exemplary behaviour. A special well done to Maya, Alix, Bayley, Freda, Lily and Olivia for singing a solo or playing their instrument - very brave of you all. Thursday saw a very different looking cohort of Year 6 children arrive at school; we have never seen so many stripey socks in one playground. Their elf outfits were brilliant and these really helped them to get into character. Year 6 have waited years to finally take on the role of Santa’s helpers and they really lived up to the challenge. Their songs and raps were very funny and catchy and their manner with the younger children was a delight to watch. Amongst all the Christmas fun, we have still found time to dive into our maths work on ratio and write the main part of our biography. These will be finished, edited and published next week! Rewind back to Monday and we had DT day. We spent time working collaboratively in our groups to make our detailed bird houses. Throughout the day, we overcame challenges and thought flexibly about how best to make our bird house as effective as possible. We used saws, hammers, glue guns, sand paper and other tools to help us. At the end of the day, we evaluated our topic and thought deeply about our learning journey. Keep your eyes peeled as Mrs Collier is going to hang some of our creations around the school.
Key Messages
Key vocab: biography, differences, tolerate, respect, light, dark, ratio, proportion
KIRFs: common factors
Spelling rule: suffixes
Please make sure the children are bringing healthy snacks for breaktime.
Reading diaries and homework will be checked on Monday
Tuesday - Christmas jumper day