UKS2 News

Come and find out what UKS2 have been up to here!
Year 5
In English, we have been writing persuasive speeches which link to Black History Month. We have also been celebrating Black History Month and celebrating that everyone should be treated with equality. Soon we'll be writing poems about a school memory. We planned our school memory using a mind map. In Maths, we are learning to master the column method for addition and subtraction and our rounding skills. Also, we were learning to estimate reasonable answers. Last week, we were learning about Roman numerals. In PE, we were throwing and catching, and we were bowling to practice our aiming. Also we have been jumping and trying to land with balance. In art, we were drawing and using different materials such as chalk pastels, oil pastels, charcoal fine liners and tones of pencils. We also learnt to tell the difference between oil pastels and chalk pastels.
By Luca and Fredrik Starlite
Key Messages
Key vocab: subtraction, stanza, haiku, migration, Hydrogen + Helium = star
KIRFs: Can I recall multiplication scaling facts by 10 and 100?
Please make your Y5 school trips donation as this covers the Space Dome visit
Homework/spelling will continue to be assessed every Monday morning
Thank you to adults who have volunteered to help with The Vineyard’s first ever whole school field trip, on Thursday 19th October
Many thanks to families for helping line our games chest for wet play and lunchtimes. We appreciate your generosity very much
Year 6
It has been a very exciting week for Year 6. Not only helping fundraise money but also performing their class assemblies. We all hope that you were overly impressed by the children and their presenting skills. With a range of different roles taken during the assembly, we are already looking forward to seeing the production at the end of the academic year! During art, it has been lovely to see the children start designing their colleagues inspired by the work of Eloise Renouf. Their ability to use colours to represent different moods and using techniques such as layering have impressed us all. The children have been concentrating on division this week during their maths sessions. We have seen the children show off their understanding of short and long division. All of the children have developed their knowledge further. Next week, the homework will be based on short and long division English this week has allowed the children to finish their letter replying to Macbeth. Replying as Lady Macbeth all the children have really thought about how Lady Macbeth would feel, think and how they would convince Macbeth to take the crown!
Key Messages
Key vocab: Order of operations, formality, data collection, human and physical features
KIRFs: Can I recall prime numbers up to 100?
Homework/spelling will be assessed every Monday morning.
English SATs paper practise - Wednesday 18th and Friday 20th
Fieldwork day - Thursday 19th - we will be visiting Richmond Park for the morning - children should have suitable clothing and wear trainers