UKS2 News
Come and find out what UKS2 have been up to!
Year 5
We all enjoyed our class visits to the Poppy Factory and this week have been considering in history why it has become a significant feature of our locality. Everyone enjoyed the hands-on experience of making individual poppies and lots of children turned their hand to making a wreath of ‘posh poppies’ (which cost four times as much as a standard poppy) under the watchful eye of a veteran soldier. The children have been inspired by our text, The Buildings That Made London. We have been immersing ourselves in the skyline, sights, sounds and smells of the city. Publishing our poetry on Chrome books, the children have thought carefully about their presentation and how to use visuals to bring their rhyming couplets to life. This work is in preparation for a performance poetry event next week with a very important guest! Year 5 enjoyed watching the third and final Year 6 show and acquired a flavour of their residential trip to Osmington Bay as well as starring in their very own show one year from now. Another taste of the year ahead was visiting Year 6’s enterprise stalls and sampling their wears, taking into account good ideas for money-making that they might want to develop themselves. Many thanks to families for sending coins and named wallets/purses, so the children could take part.
Key Messages
Key vocab: performance poetry, centenary, capacity, litres, millilitres.
KIRFs: unit of measurement conversions.
Pease look out for a message from reps about what to send on Monday for the Y5 class parties
Thursday 20th last day of the school year - 1:30pm pick up time
Year 6
It’s been another busy week in Year 6 as our actors, singers, technical support and stage managers have all come together to put on three fabulous shows of our production: ‘Let Loose’. We have been so impressed with how the children have worked as a team to learn their lines, rehearse songs, create props and organise themselves - all their hard work paid off, and they made us very proud. More teamwork skills have been on display this week as the children finalised their enterprise stalls ready to raise some money for the leavers’ cinema trip next week. They have come up with clever games, written instructions and made posters to stick around the school to promote their groups’ stall. As well as thinking about the transition to secondary school ahead of them during our worry ninjas workshops, Year 6 have also been writing graduation speeches to reflect on the many happy memories they have from their time at the Vineyard and the people who have supported them to succeed along the way. We have also been finishing off final pieces of learning in our wider curriculum lessons such as evaluating our room designs with embedded computer systems in D&T. We also learnt about the tradition of the Langar in Sikh culture and how important trade was in the Kingdom of Benin.
Key Messages
Key vocab: graduation, transition, freedoms & responsibilities, Langar
Class parties on Monday 17th. Children can wear their party clothes. Please don't forget to bring in party food as advised by the class reps
Cinema trip on Wednesday 19th - children can bring 1 snack and 1 drink (no fizzy drinks or any food containing nuts please).
Final ‘Worry Ninjas’ workshop on Tuesday 18th
Graduation assembly (parents invited) at 9am on Thursday 20th July
Thursday 20th last day of term - 1:15pm pick up time (this is just for Year 6)