UKS2 News

Come and find out what UKS2 have been up to!
Year 5
On Tuesday, we enjoyed a charming day out on a beautiful organic farm. Rushall Farm, Berkshire, was the idyllic backdrop to a very enjoyable and learning-rich day that supported our Year 5 science and DT curricula. There were plenty of opportunities for hands-on learning. Highlights included an incredibly bumpy trailer ride, feeding chickens by hand, including a put-upon, aggressive female, named Ed Sheran. We enjoyed seeing equipment and livestock, viewing a bee hive at very close quarters and learning about bread production, which of course involved sampling some of the end product. Pond-dipping was a smash hit for all, with specimen identified as: water scorpion, damselfly nymph, newts, tadpoles and pond snails, tadpoles. We were lucky enough to have the opportunity for a second trip this week, although this one was closer to home. The year group were lucky enough to see Alex Wharton, performance poet, take the stage at the Barnes Literature Festival. Many thanks to all involved for helping out on the day and making the trips possible.
Key Messages
Key vocab: negative numbers, trench, dependence, independence, puberty.
KIRFs: unit of measurement conversions
Please send cakes in on Wednesday 28th June for a bake sale in aid of Alzheimers Society. This is being organised by some children in the year group.
STEM Week 26th - 30th May, with science fair on Friday 30th
Please send materials into school w/c 25th June for our water wheel construction
Year 6
All speed ahead as we prepare for our school play. We are making props, creating posters and practising our acting. For most roles we are expecting children to purchase their own costume. If this is something that may not be possible, or you are finding it difficult please email the year 6 inbox. Next week is STEM week and we are encouraging the children to dress up next Friday either as a scientific phenomenon or as a scientist who inspires them. Similarly to last year, there will a science fair on that same Friday, and it would be amazing to see any experiments the children would like to demonstrate. Finally, it was heartwarming to see the children on thank a teacher day. Many children shared kind notes and had positive words to share with us. We feel very lucky to teach this great group of children in their final year!
Key Messages
Key vocab: summarise, enterprise, gross profit, automated, bar chart
There will be another week of bikeability beginning next week with a different group of children. Well done to those who participated this week
Due to bikeability, the PSHE lesson on conception is going to be delayed and will now take place on Monday 10th July. Please contact Mrs Bracegirdle if you want to withdraw your child from this lesson
Can children in Garnet and Kyanite please bring in a shoebox or small cardboard box for D&T next week
STEM Week 26th - 30th May, with science fair on Friday 30th