UKS2 News

Come and see what we have been learning about this week!
Year 5
What a week we have had in Year 5! In science, we have been investigating the buoyancy of different items. The children made scientific predictions before testing the buoyancy. We then compared the objects’ buoyancy in fresh water and in salt water. The results were very interesting! In reading, we have started a short story about a mermaid living in a millpond. The children were fascinated to learn about the Victorian mill, asking lots of questions about workhouses and expressing their sympathy for the orphaned children who lived in them. In DT, Miss Rawn was super busy, organising the design and creation of seasonal tarts. The children could choose whether they wanted to make an apple, pear or mincemeat tart. The children were surprised by how delicious the final product was! Finally, in English, Year 5 have been preparing a Christmas themed book which they can share with Year 2 children. In Year 2, the children have been reading Raymond Briggs, ‘The Snowman’. We have therefore based our Christmas story on Briggs’ ‘Father Christmas Goes on Holiday’. The Year 5 team are very excited to see the finished product!
Year 6
This week has been an interesting week. On Monday, a policeman called PC Mick, explained the dangers of strangers online and in real life. In addition, he told us about the effects of bullying and cyberbullying. In the afternoon, we made stockings out of felt and we used needles and thread. We also added little golden bells to the tops. On Tuesday, we went to a grand Hindu temple in Wimbledon. There, a lady taught us about Hinduism and the creation of the temple, featuring the Gods and Goddesses, and they taught us how they worship God. On Wednesday, we learnt about adverbs and adverbials in English while describing how Scrooge made and ate his breakfast.
By Ernest, Jakob and Ian
Key Messages
Year 5 will be taking part in Viking day on Monday 12th December. Please encourage your child to dress up as a viking: fluffy garments, beige coloured items, and shields.
Year 5 have been practising irregular plurals again this week. Please test your child at home.
PC Mick was unable to visit Year 5 this week. This postponed visit will be taking place on Tuesday 13th
On Thursday 15th, Year 5 and Year 6 will be going to St Mathias Church for their carol concerts. Please talk to your child about the songs we have been practising.
Another reminder that children are not allowed to bring sweets into school