UKS2 News

Come and find out what UKS2 have been up to this week!
Year 5
We have had a wildlife-filled week, delving into our new book- Du Iz Tak. The children have explored Mrs Colliers beautiful gardens and observed a wonderful array of insects. The children were intrigued by their discoveries as they picked up plant pots and dug deep into rosemary bushes. We then used our knowledge and newly acquired appreciation to infer ‘bug language’ and describe an English country garden. In maths, the children have developed their understanding of angles, looking at the sum of angles around a point and within polygons. Each time we revisit our protractor use, the children show more confidence and responses are increasingly accurate. It has been very impressive to see. Our potato and garlic plants have wowed in science, with roots fully formed and sprouts beginning to emerge. This week, we made some simple observations and consider how to record them. Year 5 are doing so well in remembering to always use a pencil when drawing, title diagrams and label all key features. As a result, reflecting upon our presentation improvements has been a standout moment this week. Well done everyone!
Key Messages
Spelling rule: y that makes an i sound.
Number bonds to 1 is our KIRF this term (e.g. 0.1 + 0.9= 1 or 0.45 + 0.55= 1)
We continue to encourage parents to provide a copy of our latest book: A Boy at the Back of the Classroom. This is especially important if your child speaks English as a second language as it will enable your child to pre-read the text and unearth any unknown vocabulary.
Key vocabulary: regular and irregular polygons, emotive, mapping, expanded noun phrases (determiners, adjectives and nouns).
Year 6
It is all steam ahead in year 6 as we power on towards our SATS week. We have put ourselves in a fantastic position by revising for our exams this week and we are feeling positive about next week! In maths, we have been doing daily mini-SATS tests and in English we were creating revision notes about the different tenses (see key vocab). Also in English, we have been completing past comprehension papers in timed conditions so that we know what to expect. It has not been completely SATS crazy this week as we have had all our normal lessons. We have continued with Scratch (a coding website) in computing, experimenting with sprites; in P.E we practised our sprint starts. Art was a messy one, observing what impact different types of paint had on the canvas - top tip: oil based paint is very hard to remove from everything! This Friday will be a day filled with art, history and picnics. We hope you enjoy your Royal Bank Holiday weekend.
Ashton & Raffi 6 Garnet