UKS2 News

Come and find out what UKS2 have been up to!
Year 5
This week has seen us experimenting with dissolving sugar in water of different temperatures, cold, warm and hot water. Next step will be looking at what different materials are soluble and insoluble. In DT we have deepened are understanding of bridges and looked at trusses which can be used to strengthen them, see if you can spot trusses on any bridges that you see! We have been reading more and more about The Tempest and have realised the cunning set of characters involved. Our writing task at the moment is focussed around writing a travel brochure encouraging tourists to visit Prospero’s Island. We have looked closely at organising information, the features of non-chronological reports and how we can make them persuasive. Why not see if you can find some of your own travel brochures to read and take inspiration as we will be finishing these next week. We are finding our maths topic of decimals and fractions interesting, looking at decimals with thousandths and comparing and ordering them.
Key Messages
Key vocab: dissolve, soluble, insoluble, creator, city-state
Spelling rule: words with the /or/ sound spelt ‘or’
KIRFs: converting fractions into decimals and percentages (e.g. ½ = 50% = 0.5)
Year 5 need some oil for several upcoming science experiments. If you can, please donate a bottle. We also need some empty water bottles.
Year 6
This week in Year 6, we have been studying all about sauces and flavours (bitter, sweet, sour, salty and umami) and creating some of our own sauces in D&T. We will make sauces to add to our burgers at the end of the project. In maths, we are beginning a new topic of decimals and will move on to compare fractions, decimals and percentages. In English, we have been continuing with our factfile on the Amazon rainforest and reading The Explorer. For science, we are looking at how far light can travel and conducting lots of experiments. We have been studying different Christian denominations in RE: protestant, orthodox and catholic, and looking at similarities and differences between certain Christian festivals. We boxed, skipped, jumped, balanced and lifted weights in our fitness lesson in PE.
We also had a Shakespeare workshop and an author’s visit to help us celebrate World Book Day. We are all looking forward to dressing up!
Shirin and Leyla
Key Messages
Osmington Bay meeting - Tuesday 7 March at 3.30pm
Key vocab: umami, orthodox, invasion
Spelling rule: the sh sound spelt ti or ci
KIRFs: square numbers and square roots