UKS2 News

Come and find out what UKS2 have been up to this week!
Year 5
We have started Spring 2 off really positively and were happy to see the children after a nice week off. This term we have commenced our learning in History about Ancient Greece and its origins. Science has seen us continue to look at materials in more depth and more specifically reversible and irreversible changes, can an ice lolly be turned back into an ice lolly after it has melted? We have thoroughly enjoyed beginning our new English text this week too, exploring The Tempest by William Shakespeare. We have been imagining what it would be like to be Ariel, dealing with his conflicted situation of making a storm but potentially harming people in the process! We have been working towards writing a first person account and even explored how to swap third person narratives into first person.
Key Messages
Vocabulary: reversible, irreversible, Brahman, omnipresent, pillar, deck and beam.
We are looking for volunteers to support our trip to the Globe on 21/03. If you have a DBS and are interested, please email us.
We need oil (of any type) and empty water bottles for a science experiment that is happening in two weeks. If you would like to donate either item, we would be very grateful.
We are looking forward to seeing your children dressed up Friday. The Y5 teaching team will be dressing up as characters from The Tempest!
Year 6
This week, in year 6, we have started learning about light in science; we did an experiment where we measured how visible light is from different distances. In English, we are reading ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell and we are working towards making a fact file about the rainforest. In DT, this week we have been looking at the unhealthy and healthy ingredients in burgers as we will be making some at the end of term. This week in music, we have been learning about folk music and identifying what makes a folk song. In RE, we considered ‘What is a church?’.
Millie and Xanthe (Jet class)
Key Messages
- Osmington Bay meeting on Tuesday 6 March at 3.30 to discuss the trip in May - we hope to see as many of the Y6 parents (and children) as possible - it will be an opportunity to find out more about the trip and ask any questions that you might have
- Vocabulary: axis and allies (WW2), denomination, ammeter
Year 5 and 6 homework:
As you will be aware, we are launching our new approach to homework next week. In Year 5 and 6, children will be sent home spellings each week. These will be based on the previous week’s spelling rule, with coverage of statutory spelling lists. You will find these in their homework books. They will also be given maths homework. This will be sent via Ping each Monday. You do not need to print the sheet but instead children should write their answers down in their homework books. We expect all homework books to be returned every Monday.
If you have any IT issues that prevents your children from completing their homework, please do get in touch with the year5/year 6 inbox.