Read on to find out what years 5&6 have been up to this week.
Year 5
We hope that you have enjoyed class assemblies this week and feel tested by our Kahoot quizzes! The children were so proud to show off their learning and present their specially made slideshow to you. Teaching is the most effective way to remember information and is something that should be encouraged for children to regularly do. It has been a heroic journey studying Beowulf and we are finishing our journey with a heroic poem of their own. We have followed a strict rhyme scheme. Additionally, we have been revising some key poetry vocabulary. Next week, we are looking to publish these pieces and perform them as the original Beowulf would have been in the year 700 C.E. Maths has had a fraction-focus; our specific focus has been on converting fractions into equivalent fractions with different denominators. This allows us to compare fractions and will help us to add and subtract fractions with ease when we move on. We are aiming for 100% of maths homework to be brought in on Monday as that is a current year group focus. Our week’s theme this week has been on anti-bullying. We started with a captivating anti-bullying workshop. The main messages of the workshop were to tell the person to stop, speak to a trusted adult and stand tall confidently. This week culminated in odd sock day on Friday where the children celebrated their differences and individuality.
I am currently writing this surrounded by sweet angelic singing as the children are practising for their carol concert which will be happening later this term at St Matthias Church. If they could be practising the songs at home, that would be amazing.
Key Messages
Key vocab: stanza, common denominator, suspension bridge, rhyming couplet, chest pass.
KIRFS: halving and doubling numbers to 100
Moonstone and Peridot are visiting the Buddhapadipa Temple visit 10.30-2.30 - please bring lunch with you
Assessment week will be next week, where we will assess their maths and reading.
Year 6
We started the week with an anti-bullying workshop and lots of discussion about how we can ‘Make a Noise’ about bullying. We talked about the difference between ‘banter’ and ‘bullying behaviour’ and the children got involved in acting out some scenarios. They thought about how to be assertive and stand up to anyone who is upsetting them in person or online as well as the important role of the bystander. Christmas festivities are definitely upon us now at school; we’ve been doing extra rehearsals for the carol service and working on some crafts for the fair this weekend. We’ve now completed writing our autobiographies. The children are getting really good at editing their own work effectively as well as working with a partner to ‘peer edit’. They have written up their final drafts in their extended writing books, taking great care with their handwriting and presentation to produce their very best work. Look out for an additional research homework which is being sent home - we are moving on to writing a biography next about a famous person of their choice. In maths, we have finally finished our fractions topic (although we will revisit it lots more in the coming months) and are moving on to look at measures and practising converting them. Looking ahead to next week, we have our trip to The Imperial War Museum on Tuesday and will be getting ready for our role as christmas elves at The Vineyard Grotto! Unlike the rest of the school, we won’t be doing ‘Assessment Week’ as we have already did some mock SATS tests (the results of which we shared with you at Family Meetings) and will do some more assessments in January.
Key Messages
Key vocab: prototype, metric, conversion, The Blitz, Victoria Cross
KIRFs: common factors
Spelling rule: suffixes - double consonants
Please make sure the children are bringing healthy snacks for breaktime.
Reading diaries and homework will be checked on Monday
- Tuesday trip to Imperial War Museum - please bring packed lunch