Read on to find out what has been happening in years 5&6 this week
Year 5
We enjoyed another fun-packed week crammed with learning and are very much looking forward to a well-deserved breather over half-term. Well done everyone!
This week opened with an assembly just for Upper Key Stage 2. We heard from the NSPCC about their important work. We also discussed the types of abusive relationships that people could unwittingly find themselves in, and we heard about the vital work of Childline, plus how to reach them. The follow-up activity invited children to nominate their ‘safe places’. The children enjoyed success in their poetry composition based on Malorie Blackman’s fantastic novel-as-poetic-form, Cloudbusting. Well done to Rhys and Harley, whose writing was so impressive that they took to a chair in order to bask in applause from their classmates. Maths involved a carousel lesson in which we worked with a partner to solve two-step worded problems. Everyone was absorbed in the task and it was a very successful venture. We perfected our throwing in PE and focused on controlling balls of different sizes. Our geography topic, migration, moved forward as we thought about push and pull factors for international relocation.
Key Messages
Key vocab: bar model, limerick, haiku, residential, commercial
Thank you for your commitment to making reading a priority with your children
The Wednesday return will start with a spelling test of this week’s words
Year 6
What an amazing half-term it has been. We have been so impressed with all the students and how they have settled in to Year 6 - well done to you all!
Our last week of the half-term has been very exciting and informative. To start the week, the Year 6 students were visited by a guest speaker from the NSPCC. The children were informed about many sensitive and important topics. All the children were engaged and respectful throughout and hopefully learnt something new.
On Thursday, the whole school took part in a ‘Fieldwork day’. As a year group, we headed to Richmond Park. The children were able to ask members of the public questions about why they think Richmond Park is so special and how it impacts the local area. Everyone showed off their geographical knowledge and skills, and we were overly impressed by their maturity throughout the visit. English this week has really put the children to the test. All children partook in their first mock SATs papers, completing a SPaG and reading paper. These tests have given them a taste of what SATs week will be like. All children approached these with an excellent ‘can do’ attitude. When we come back from half-term, we will complete our maths mock SATs. We hope you all have lovely breaks and stay safe! We look forward to see you Wednesday 1st November.
Key Messages
Key vocab: Numerator, denominator, article, report and parenthesis
KIRFs: Can I recall the common factors of two given numbers?
Please make sure the children bring healthy snacks for breaktime
Homework is due on Wednesday 1st November and spelling tests will also happen on this day