Find out what we have been up to.
Year 5
Everyone competed hard on Wednesday and enjoyed their year group’s Festival of Sport. The weather was mostly kind and everyone was able to complete their events. Thanks to Ms Foster for a fun morning of physical challenge and celebration. And thank you to all our spectators. The children love to have an audience to compete in front of, and it certainly helped to make the morning a success. Two of the three classes have now visited the Poppy Factory as part of our First World War learning in History, aimed at understanding the impact of the war on our locality. We have learnt about how Richmond Park was a base for the Allies, including troops from South Africa, who made it their home-from-home base, complete with military hospital. Injured soldiers were transported back from mainland Europe to be treated. One casualty of the weather is that we have not yet been able to complete our experiment with our solar-powered ovens. Once the sun is back out, we will be observing attentively to see which pair’s s’mores will melt the quickest: hopefully it will be the one that is best insulated to trap the sun’s solar energy. Watch this space… Well done to all children who brought in their own experiments to showcase to their peers and families last Friday. What a fantastic culmination to S.T.E.M. week!
Key Messages
Key vocab: London, poetry, Richmond in WW1, periods, growth spurt
KIRFs: unit of measurement conversions
Please send materials into school w/c 10th July for our water wheel construction
Year 6
STEM week was rounded off by exploring 3D artefacts from the Kingdom of Benin on the Chrome books and presenting our findings to others in the class. We then had the fantastic Science Fair which the children had prepared for at home - some fascinating experiments and presentations were produced. We were fortunate to have fair weather for the Festival of Sport and the children showed great sportsmanship throughout. This week, the focus has been on the production and the enterprise project. We are gearing up for a dress rehearsal before the performances next week. For the enterprise day., we are asking the children to prepare as much as possible at home; creating posters, displays for their stall etc. We do want the children to make money for their cinema trip and have encouraged them not to spend too much on their stalls. Children have been visiting the schools they are moving on to next year and Worry Ninjas began this week, helping the children prepare for their transition to secondary school.
Key messages:
Key vocab: conception, impact, profit
Please remember to book your tickets for the Y6 performance
Children to bring in costumes on Monday (if not already in school)
Continue to prepare for Enterprise Day on Thursday
PSHE conception lesson - Monday 10th July