Reception News

Click here to find out more about Reception's week.
Reception has been a hive of activity this week! In English, we have been sharing our favourite characters from stories we like and writing about them using our phonic sounds and the red words. We even had a visit from an author - Alex Brookes. She read us her story called 'Why oh why am I a crocodile?' and we loved it! In maths, we have been exploring the number 10 and comparing numbers that we can make 10 with using tens frames, egg boxes and dominoes. As part of our superhero topic, we were excited to welcome our real life superheroes who work in the community. Gemma, a specialist paramedic and Ally, a doctor, told us all about their very important job, showed us the equipment they use and answered all our questions. We finished off the week listening to stories read by teachers from across the school while dressed as our favourite book character.
This week we read these books:
Key Messages:
Phonics Portal: Don't forget to use our Phonics@TheVineyard portal to practise phonics with your child at home.
The Learning Garden: You will have noticed that we have lots of lovely new furniture and equipment in the Learning Garden. We are very lucky to have these new items and the children are already using them and enjoying them, even though we haven't completed our Learning Garden project yet. Please can we remind you that children should not be playing or climbing on any of the equipment before or after school.