Reception News

Look at our learning during Children's Mental Health Week and for our Carnival Day!
In Reception, we have had a busy last week of the half-term. For Children's Mental Health Week, the children attended a mindfulness session with Mrs Reilly, made My Feeling Diaries and their own Zones of Regulation cards. On Tuesday afternoon, we had our first family story time in Reception, where parents and carers were invited to join us for the afternoon story time. This was so lovely, the children really enjoyed it, and we are planning to have one each half-term. In maths, we learnt about period of time with key vocabulary of yesterday, today and tomorrow and learning to identify events from the past and looking forward to events in the future.
This week we have been reading:
On Friday, we had our Carnival Day to celebrate the end of our half-term topic comparing England with Trinidad and Tobago. The children came dressed in colourful clothes, made their own beautiful headdresses using feathers and sequins and made their own musical instruments to use during our Carnival parade around the school! What a fun way to end a great half-term!
Key Messages
Reading Folders: We would really appreciate it if all reading folders were bought into school on Wednesdays. This will help the teachers enormously because we change the books, check the reading records and add the children's targets after school, so they are ready to send home on Thursday. Many thanks for your support with this.
Spare School Clothes: We are running very low on spare school uniform. Please make sure all borrowed clothes are returned to school as soon as possible.
Our Topic Learning: After half-term, we are learning about superheroes - imaginary and real life. As part of this topic, we will be looking at people who help us in our community. If you are a doctor, nurse, firefighter, police officer, paramedic, postal worker, dentist, or you know someone who is, we would love for you to come into school to tell us all about your important job! Please let your child's class teacher know if you are able to help.