Reception News
Read on to find out what we have been up to and for ways you can help at home with your child's learning
This week in Reception, we have continued with our topic ‘All About Me’ and have been drawing maps to describe what we see on our journey to school. In phonics, we have been learning new sounds: u, b, f, e. In maths, we have been exploring simple patterns and copying and continuing them. The children thoroughly enjoyed using musical instruments to create their own patterns. In English, the children have been introduced to red words (these are words which you cannot use your Fred talk to sound out, you just need to read the words by sight). The children have learnt ‘I’ and ‘the’. Can your child spot these red words in books you share at home? In PE, children have been learning to throw and catch using a variety of different equipment. The children found throwing the fabric in the air and catching it the easiest and there were lots of giggles!
Key messages
Please practice writing and saying the sounds at home, using the sheets and phonics website to help you; the sheets do not need to be returned. To review the phonics sounds that your child has been learning, please visit the phonics website:
We would also appreciate any donations of compost to make our ‘mud kitchen’ even more fun for the children!
A reminder that from after half term, only a navy book bag will be allowed in school. These do not have to have the Vineyard logo on, but they do need to be the same size as the Vineyard book bags.
Please remember to check your child’s bag every day in case they have brought home anything from school, or in case they have a first aid slip.
HALF TERM - Your child will come home this week with an autumn treasure bag. Please can you return these after the half-term break. Also, we would like to set you a reading challenge. Take a photograph of your child reading a book in an unusual/ interesting place. We will share these in class to continue to promote our love of reading! See below the Reception teachers reading their favourite books in our learning garden.