Reception News
Click here to find out about this week's learning in Reception!
Week beginning 10th July 2023
Reception’s exciting week began with a visit from a huge tyrannosaurus-rex! We loved searching through the sand for fossils with tools to reveal and discover different dinosaurs like real paleontologists.
We created our own mini dinosaur story books to try our hands at being authors. We have also been reflecting on our favourite memories of Reception and writing about them in our English books.
In maths this week, we have been problem-solving and using our knowledge of doubles, number bonds and one more, one less to help find the answer.
During free learning, we have been busy creating our own dinosaurs from paper straws and matching parts of the skeleton. We are now getting excited to visit Year One and meet our class teacher for next year!
Key Messages:
Family Story Time: Our final family story time will be on Tuesday 18th July at 2.50pm. As usual, please come to the classroom door for 2.50pm. The school gates will be opened between 2.40pm and 2.50pm for you to enter the school site.
Reading Folders: A reminder that there are no reading books being sent home this week. Please have a look around your home to find any books that belong to The Vineyard.
Class Parties: As you know, we are having an end of year party for the Reception children on Monday afternoon. Please drop any food, drinks etc off with your child's class teacher on Monday morning. Thank you!