Reception News

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Week beginning 19th June 2023
Another fantastic week in Reception! The amazing weather has ensured that we have spent much of our time in the Learning Garden.
The whole school has been excited about our upcoming 'Vineyard Has Got The X Factor' event, and the Reception Choir has been very busy practising our song to perform in the audition round. We found out today that we got through to the finals, which are next week! We will keep practising, so we are ready for our performance in front of the rest of the school. Some children have mentioned that they have been practising at home - we hope you are enjoying the song too!
As well as singing, we have also been working together to create a class non-fiction dinosaur book. Each of the children has written an information page about our favourite dinosaur. We have included a labelled drawing and lots of interesting facts. It is wonderful to watch all the children write so confidently and independently! Our topic learning on dinosaurs has continued with learning about what sort of diet dinosaurs had - herbivore, carnivore or omnivore. In maths, we have been sharing and grouping objects using the keywords fair, equal, groups and share.
This week, we have been reading:
Key Messages:
STEM Week. Next week is STEM Week for the whole school and the children are invited to dress up along the theme of STEM on Friday 30th June. They could be a scientific theory, a discovery, a scientist, a mathematician, a number or a maths symbol! More information available about our STEM Week in the main newsletter.
Science Fair. The children are also encouraged to work on a home STEM project to bring in and share on Friday to share in our Science Fair. The Reception Science Fair will take place on Friday 30th June at 2.30pm as we have one of our Vineyard Visits for new Reception children taking place after school. The children will also showcase our own school STEM project!