Reception News
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Week beginning 12th June 2023
It has been another busy week in Reception. We are really enjoying our new dinosaur topic this half-term.
In English and topic, we have been identifying features of a dinosaur and labelling them using adjectives to describe them. We have been comparing different dinosaurs and sorting them into different groups according to their different features.
In maths, we have been recognising and making equal groups and noticing when sharing is unfair! We’ve also been practising double facts, odds and even numbers by printing with Numicon shapes.
During our Jigsaw (PSHE) time, we have been exploring what keeps us healthy and discussing what our body needs.
During free learning, we have been enjoying the outside theatre and looking at dinosaur shadows and tracing around them. We have been keeping cool by scooping letters and sounds from the water and looking after our plants by making sure they have plenty of water.
We are now really looking forward to The Vineyard Summer Fair, and we hope to see you there!
Key Messages:
STEM Week. Read more about next week's STEM Week in the main newsletter!