Reception News

Click here for news about this week's learning in Reception.
Week beginning 5th June 2023
What a fun first week back after half-term. The children seem so refreshed and full of beans!
This week we have been learning about the past, present and future, and making our own timelines to show events that have happened, are happening or going to happen. We have also written about what we are going to do, or be in the future. Our children are very ambitious with dreams of becoming vets, postal workers, palaeontologists... Learning about timelines and the past will help us with our new dinosaur topic.
We have also been drawing our self-portraits, and comparing them to the ones we did when we first started school; we have made so much improvement with our drawing skills.
In maths, we have been doubling and playing a doubles dice game, and writing down the double number sentence.
Key Messages:
Weather Please send your child into school with a named sun hat to wear when they are outside. It would also be great if you could apply sunscreen before school. Any sunscreen bought into school must be named, and the children need to be able to apply it themselves.