Reception News
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Week beginning 2nd May 2023
What a busy, festivity-filled week we have had! The Reception children have hugely enjoyed learning about our new King. They have learned about the Royal Family tree and have had a go at making their own family tree! The children were amazed when watched the Coronation of our late Queen, and can’t wait to see a historic moment on Saturday when the crown is placed on the King's head! In preparation for our celebrations on Friday at school, the children have been making Union Jack flags, crowns and trying to recreate one of the King’s many houses out of junk modelling and loose parts!
In maths, we have been learning about rotating objects and using the positional language we learned in the Autumn term to fit different shapes. Our bean plants are continuing to grow because we are making sure they have everything they need. And we are so excited to see the next stage of the butterfly life cycle; we think the caterpillars are getting ready to make their chrysalis!
Our writing challenge this week was to write a letter to the KIng. We tried hard to use our new red words 'where', 'what' and 'who' to ask the King a question, such as 'where will you live?' and 'what is your favourite palace?'. We are hoping to post our letters and we have our fingers crossed that we get a reply from the King...
Excitingly, we had our first PE lesson outside, and we had a different teacher called Callum. He taught us how to throw and catch beanbags and balls using an underarm throw. He said he was very impressed with our multi sports skills!
Mrs Balaram has immersed us in forest school fun; all the children have now had their first session and have thoroughly enjoyed it. They can’t wait for their next session!

Key Messages
Family Story Time You are invited to our next Family Story Time on Tuesday 9th May. The school gates will be open from 2.35-2.45pm for you to enter the site. Please wait outside the classrooms until we open the doors at 2.45pm. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Planting Morning We are looking forward to our Planting Morning on 13th May. Don't forget to sign up here. If you are unable to come but would still like to donate compost and plants, please drop them off with your child's class teacher. Thank you!
Ugly Bug Ball On Friday 26th May, we are hosting an Ugly Bug Ball in Reception. The children can come to school dressed as a minibeast for a day of creepy crawly fun!