Reception News
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Week beginning 17th April 2023
What a great start to the Summer term! The sun has been shining, and the children have been busy outside enjoying the weather and all the new equipment that we have received recently.
Our new topic for this half-term is 'Growth and Change' and this week, we began learning about the parts of a plant, the stages in the lifecycle of a plant and what a plant needs to grow. We learnt that not all plants have flowers. Our keywords are leaf, roots and stem and the children used these words to draw and label a plant in their books. We even used rulers to draw the line for our labels!
In our maths learning, we have been recognising numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and we have found the composition of these numbers, i.e. 11 is made up of 10 and 1, 12 is made up of 10 and 2 etc. We have used bead strings, part whole models and ten frames to help us with this learning.
Our art focus this week was about using collage techniques to create spring pictures. The children cut out different shapes, arranged them on the paper and glued it down. They needed to remember the parts of a plant to help them with this task.
There was great excitement this week when we welcomed some caterpillar friends to our classrooms! We can't wait to observe them grow and change over the next few weeks - we will keep you posted on their progress...
Key Messages
Spare Clothes: We have RUN OUT OF spare school trousers, shorts, skirts and dresses! Therefore, when a child has an accident, we do not have any clothes to give them. Please return any spare clothes that you have been loaned to your child as soon as possible. Thank you.
Family Story Time Session: We will hold another Family Story Time session on Tuesday 9th May at 2.45pm! The school gates will be open from 2.35-2.45pm for you to enter the site. Please wait outside the classrooms until we open the doors at 2.45pm. We would love to see you there as would the children.
£1 donation for D&T: Please can you send your child into school with £1 on Monday 24th April. We will use this money to buy the ingredients to create fruit/veg minibeasts in our D&T session. Please make sure your child's class teacher is aware of ANY fruit/veg allergies or intolerance.
Learning Garden Equipment: We are very lucky to have such lovely new equipment and furniture for our Learning Garden! Thank you to the PTA and FoV for funding this. The Reception team are busy resourcing and labelling all the new learning zones and the children are very keen to help us with this. Please can you make sure that your children do not play on the equipment before/after school. We are working very hard to ensure that these new items are well cared for, so that we can enjoy them for a long time. Thank you.