LKS2 Update

Come and find out what LKS2 have been up to!
Year 3
In English, we have been enchanted by the amazing visuals in our new book Flotsam. Ask your child why this story is so unusual! We have used ambitious adjectives and ambitious adverbs with a focus on editing and improving our work. In maths this week we have been extending our knowledge of place value by adding and subtracting, with a focus on place value and how digits change when we add or subtract ones, tens and hundreds. We have been spotting patterns and applying our knowledge to challenging reasoning questions! Science has got us moving and exploring how our skeletons and muscles work to help us move. We have considered the three main roles of our skeletons. Can your child remember a bone which supports? Protects? Allows for movement? In art this week we have been using watercolours to explore and experiment with different tones, making light and dark colours in the style of Paul Klee. Geography has seen us explore urban, suburban and rural areas along the River Thames. We have used Google Earth to explore similarities and differences in these areas, and are excited to see the river for ourselves in our geography field trip next week!
Key Messages
Key vocab: rural, suburban, urban, tone, hundreds, tens, ones
KIRFs: Adding and subtracting tens and hundreds
Spellings: suffix ly (e.g. seriously)
Year 4
This week has been an exciting week for Year 4. On Tuesday, we visited the London Wetlands Centre and completed a workshop on plastic pollution. We learnt a lot, quiz us at home on our knowledge, ask your child how many times you can recycle a plastic bottle. We also visited the otters and observed many wild birds around the nature reserve. In Maths, we have begun our addition and subtraction topic. We have mostly been focusing on column addition without exchanging and reasoning questions related to this. We are exploring poetry in English this week.. We have added onomatopoeia, similes, metaphors and repetition to our poetry toolbox, which we aim to use next week to write and perform our own poems. In Science we have been looking at reversible and irreversible changes. We used our knowledge of states of matter and our own experiences to sort items into these two categories. We have taken the new knowledge we learnt in our plastic pollution workshop and have created posters to promote recycling to save our planet.
Key Messages
Key vocab: Pollution, Nature Reserve, Sum, altogether, onomatopoeia, irreversible, reversible
KIRFs: Number bonds to 100
Spellings: adding the suffix ly