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LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.

Year 3

There have been some wonderful descriptions of George’s Grandma in English. The children are developing more complex sentences in their writing and are gaining a better understanding of how commas are used to separate phrases as well as lists. For example: “Grandma sits in her chair while she scratches her chin, creases her beady eyes, and points her bony finger at George.” Everyone was proud to show off these skills when we visited the Reception classes to warn them about this particular “bitter, angry, and mean ancient lady.”

In maths, we’ve focused on mass, exploring the difference between grams and kilograms. We’ve also noticed that not all weighing scales are the same, so we’ve had to calculate the value of the smaller lines.

In science, we conducted more experiments, building on knowledge from Year 1. We explored how a lack of sunlight, water, air, and the correct temperature can impact plant growth. Did you know what makes a living thing a plant and not an animal? It’s the same reason plants need sunlight—it’s related to photosynthesis. We also enjoyed acting out the role of pollinators in the life cycle of plants.

We’ve gained a greater understanding of life on a Tudor ship this week, and we’ve started looking into the Spanish Armada—specifically, why the Spanish were unsuccessful. For once, the UK weather was very helpful in setting the scene!

In PSHE, we discussed how different foods provide us with varying amounts of energy. It’s important to give ourselves different amounts of fuel at different stages of life, and we focused on maximizing the benefits of vitamins, protein, and calcium. Next week, we’ll be learning about liquids, foods, medicines, and other substances that are not suitable for everyone to consume, and what to do if we encounter them.




This week: 17.03.25

Spelling rule: ending ‘gue’ and ‘que’ eg. rogue and unique


Key words: 

Maths: mass, scale, volume,capacity, grams, kilograms,

English: commas, adjectives, conjunctions, apostrophes, contractions

Science: Pollen transportation, pollination, fertilisation, seed dispersal, stamen, seed formation

History: Tudors, transport, explorer


Maths facts: 4 x tables


Next week: 24.03.25

Spelling rule: /sh/ sound spelt ‘ch’ eg. machine and chef 

Key words:

Maths: fractions, numerator, denominator, vinculum, non/unit fractions, mass, scale, volume,capacity, grams, kilograms, millilitres, litres 

English: commas, adjectives, conjunctions, apostrophes, prepositions

Science: transportation, pollination, fertilisation, seed dispersal, stamen

History: Tudors, pirates, battle


Maths facts: 4 x tables


Key dates: 

25th March - Music Day (see sheet sent home with children on Wednesday)

4th April - End of term. School closes at 1.30pm


Year 4

It was a delight to read the children’s descriptions of the Iron Man and to see how hard they worked at incorporating the literary techniques we have been learning this year.

A key focus for Year 4 is vocabulary, and we would encourage you to practice the Year 3 and 4 spelling words at home with your child/children. We will also be practicing these words in school and encouraging the children to use them in their writing.

Building on their learning from Year 3, the children have been adding and subtracting mixed numbers and improper fractions, and representing their strategies in different ways. We will be moving on to decimals next.

In PE this half term, the children are developing their skills in outdoor adventurous activities. This week, we focused on map symbols and keys. We are looking forward to the trip on the last morning of term to Marble Hill Park, where Year 4 will practise working at height. If you would like to volunteer for the trip, please let the office know. The last swimming lesson will be on Friday, 28th April.

In Science, the children have been investigating how to change the volume and pitch of sound and how this affects the sound wave produced. In RE, attention has turned to Islam, exploring what activities Muslims are required to do, can do, and cannot do during Ramadan.

Resources are beginning to come into school to help the children design their mini-greenhouses. Large plastic bottles or plastic cups with domed lids are ideal. The children will be making their greenhouses and planting seeds during the week of 24th March, so please ensure all resources are in school by then.

Finally, looking ahead to our next history topic, the children thoroughly enjoyed an Anglo-Saxon day on Thursday, finishing the day with an Anglo-Saxon burial.



This week: 17.03.25

Spelling rule - Word families based on common words, showing how words are

related in form and meaning:











Key words: 

Maths: decimals, tenths as fractions and as decimals, divide by 10

English: expanded noun phrases, relative clauses

Science: volume and pitch, soundwaves, vibrations, musical instruments

History: comparison, developments


Maths facts: Times tables (1-12)


Next week: 24.03.25

Spelling rule - Word families based on common words, showing how words are

related in form and meaning:











Key words: 

Maths: decimals, hundreds as fractions and as decimals,  divided by 100 

English: figurative language, alliteration, similes and metaphors

Science: insulation, reflect, absorb

History: artefacts, lifestyle, archaeologist

Maths facts: Times tables (1-12)


Key dates: 

Friday 4th April am - Marble Hill Park trip 

Friday 4th April - school closes at 1.30pm

Tuesday 29th April - Onyx class assembly

Wednesday 30th April - Zircon class assembly

Thursday 1st May - Carnelian class assembly