LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
The children have been making the most of their final, full week in year 3.
The highlight of the week has been the incredible VR History session on Wednesday. The children explored modern-day Cairo, visiting the Pyramids of Giza, and exploring a preserved tomb of a pharaoh. They also travelled back in time (!) so see how pyramids and tombs looked during the ancient period. The children worked well in partners, and were even treated to a wildlife scare at the end of the session!
In maths, we have been collecting and interpreting data, understanding and creating pictograms, tally charts and bar charts. In addition to the VR session, the children have learned about religion and the afterlife in history, as we have concluded our (extremely popular) unit on ancient Egypt.
At the time of writing, the children are bursting with excitement at the thought of meeting their new, year 4 teacher on Friday! They will enjoy an hour in the afternoon of getting to know their new teacher, with fun activities planned to end the final, full week of school.
Everyone is looking forward with great anticipation to Tuesday’s class party - where we will be celebrating our time in year 3 with music and games!
Key Messages
Key vocab: tally chart, pictogram, bar chart, afterlife, preserve, camouflage, natural selection
KIRFS: Time (analogue and digital)
Spellings: Suffix -ly to make adverbs
Our Year 3 class party will take place on Tuesday afternoon!
Year 4
Year 4 really enjoyed our Virtual Reality workshop on Tuesday. The children were able to travel to Egypt and back all without leaving their seats. We looked at the great Pyramids, thinking critically about how they could have been built so long ago, particularly without concrete, and explored tombs, looking at the artwork from that time. We were even lucky enough as a special treat to come face to face with lions - not something you expect to happen on a regular Tuesday. In science, the children were presented with various liquids from different planets and pH paper was used to determine their acidity or alkalinity. The children enjoyed exploring the scientific data to decide where different planets might be habitable. We were very shocked to find out that the pH level of Coca cola is about 2.5. In DT we looked at coding controls for light boxes and the children had some time on the laptops using scratch to replicate the code. On Thursday, we had the pleasure of watching the Year 6 production - it was fantastic. In English, we have finished writing our Space Tours and luckily had some time to edit and publish our work on laptops towards the end of the week.
Key messages:
As it gets warm, please send children in with water bottles, hats and sunscreen.
24/7/24 - Last day of term - finish at 1.30pm
Spellings - common exception words for 3 & 4.