LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
It’s been an action-packed week in year 3. Sandwich-making on Tuesday was terrific fun. The children followed their plan and instructions to create their ideal sandwich, only to eat their creations at the end of the day with serious enthusiasm!
The children loved the Festival of Sport on Wednesday afternoon, and showed fantastic teamwork and athleticism throughout the different activities. The runners were really impressive, and demonstrated courage, perseverance and humility in the final races.
In maths we have been learning about 3D shapes, and the children have been identifying shapes using terminology such as: faces, vertices and edges. In English, we have written diary entries in the past tense, whilst history’s lesson this week looked at daily lives in ancient Egypt.
At the time of writing, the children are eagerly anticipating the Vineyard Walk on Friday, with much talk of packed lunches and deer-appearances…
They are beyond excited for their ancient Egyptian virtual reality workshop on Tuesday, in which they’ll be transported back in time, and are also looking forward to watching the year 6 school production dress rehearsal on this day. Perhaps most excitingly of all, they will be meeting their new teachers next Friday (19th)!
Key Messages
Key vocab: sphere, prism, pyramid, cube, cuboid, vertix, vertices, face, edge,
KIRFS: Time (analogue and digital)
Spellings: Suffix -ly to make adverbs e.g. happily
Friday is meet the teacher day!
Year 4
To celebrate the Festival of Sport, Year 4 took part in a carousel of sporting events and a walk in Richmond Park. The weather was glorious and perfect for strolling through the park and working together to have fun and participate in various sporting activities. All members of staff have noticed amazing sportsmanship and caring behaviours displayed by the children. Year 4 have been reading The House with Chicken Legs and have been loving the whirlwind of emotions and plot twists which has been sprung upon us. In English, we have started our new unit of Space Tourism, writing scripts and designing tour maps of the solar system. The children have really thrown themselves into this fun and engaging unit and lots of charisma has shone through in their work. In Maths, we have been recapping the skills we have learnt this year, challenging ourselves to hone our methods and check our understanding. The children have loved sharing and developing their confidence in Mathematical arithmetic and problem solving. Many of the children have presented their history knowledge this week, we have seen everything from songs to posters displaying the advancements during The Iron Age and the Egyptians. Well done Year 4.
Key messages:
VR workshop - 16/7/24
Own clothes day - Purple and grey - 19/7/24
As it gets warm, please send children in with water bottles, hats and sunscreen.
Spellings - common exception words for 3 & 4.