LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
It has been an extraordinary week in year 3, with STEM activities taking place every day!
This started with our doughlightful bread-making workshop on Monday in which the children produced extraordinary loaves which lifted our spirits on a Monday afternoon!
Next was our ‘blubber mitten’ experiment, in which children considered a key way in which polar bears have adapted to their environment. They used blubber mittens to experience how a polar bear’s fat helps it to stay warm in freezing arctic temperatures.
We also explored how the colours of skittles spread in water, and we changed the conditions to find out which temperature of water lead to faster travel of colours.
Thursday afternoon started with a bang, as the children took part in a fireworks workshop in the school grounds! At the time of writing, they are looking forward with great anticipation to the science fair, and have been eagerly discussing their various projects and experiments with one another.
Next week brings more excitement, with The Vineyard work coming up on Friday!
Key Messages
Key vocab: vertical, horizontal, parallel, perpendicular, parallel, adaptation
KIRFS: Time (analogue and digital)
Spellings: Suffix -ly to make adverbs e.g. quietly
Friday is the Vineyard walk!
On Tuesday we will make sandwiches - children will need to bring their ingredients from home!
Year 4
Another busy week in Year 4. STEM week has led to lots of curiosity about space and the children have loved the experiments and enquiries they conducted this week. Firstly, we conducted a space crater experiment. Children had different sized balls which they dropped from different heights into sand, and measured the size of the cater that was formed. Later in the week, we watched a tour of the international space station and then designed our own space station considering how astronauts need to adapt to live in space and how they might be able to solve simple problems e.g. teeth brushing, exercise etc.
We had a Hinduism workshop on Thursday and a speaker came to talk to us for an hour focusing on hindu beliefs about how the world was created. In maths this week, we finished our topic on position and direction. We even played a game of battleships to cement our coordinates knowledge. For English we have been writing our final poems. This has been an excellent opportunity for the children to show off their knowledge of syllables and form and flow in a poem - we have been very impressed with their creativity. The children finished off the week, editing and performing their poems for each other.
Key messages:
Festival of Sport - 10/7/24 - 1:30 pm start
The Vineyard walk 12/7/24
As it gets warm, please send children in with water bottles, hats and sunscreen.
Spellings - common exception words for 3 & 4.